Continuing Education For Pharmacy Technicians

Continuing education for pharmacy technicians is probably more crucial than almost every other profession. Because advances in the pharmaceutical field are constantly changing, there are things that used to be true that are no longer relevant and new information is released all of the time. The highest professional and academic credentials are required to be a pharmacy tech, but the growth of knowledge and education is never complete, for this reason. A new discovery that is made today might make previous discoveries outdated, even if it is something that isn’t that old. Continuing education in healthcare and specifically, pharmaceutical training is dependent on keeping up with the latest information, even after attaining certification as a pharmacy technician.

There are 8 organizations that offer continuing education programs for pharmacy techs, which are discussed below:

Pharmcon Offers FreeCE

* History – Since 1996, FreeCE has provided free continuing education programs for healthcare professionals, as the name implies. Pharmcon, the parent company of the CE programs, offers several methods to take advantage of the education, including webcasts, webinars and research publications. Since 1992, Pharmcon has been an active part of the pharmaceutical industry, even though the FreeCE programs weren’t initiated until 1996. Approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the opportunities make your continuing education affordable and the reputation of Pharmcon is well-established, being involved with the major players of the industry since their inception.

* CE curriculum – The CE curriculum includes instruction about fibromyalgia, post-herpetic, bipolar disorder, diabetes, insomnia, and schizophrenia, among many others. Free CE offers continuing education for pharmacy technicians that is varied and covers a wide range of subject matter.

* CE Program fees – There are a few webinars and webcasts that cost $10 to $30, but the majority of them are offered at no cost for members, and non-members may incur a small cost.

PHE Offers Power-Pak C.E.

* History – Power-Pak C.E. by Postgraduate Healthcare Education (PHE), are continuing education courses that are offered for professionals in the healthcare industry and cover a wide range of subject matter.

* CE curriculum – The Power-Pack curriculum for pharmacy technician continuing education includes diabetes, regulatory changes related to emergency contraception, common cold and influenza treatment, patient counseling and electronic prescribing. In order to get a passing score, your final course exam needs to attain a score of 70% to receive credits that apply to your continuing education.

* CE Program fees – Power-Pak offers a no-cost registration and you can access the continuing education courses, once you are registered.

NPTA or National Pharmacy Technician Association

* History – The National Pharmacy Technician Association (NPTA) is a widely recognized name in the pharmaceutical field because the non-profit organization is the world’s largest association of pharmacy technicians and you will hardly find any of pharmacy technicians in field that aren’t familiar with the NPTA.

* CE curriculum – The ACPE-accredited continuing education courses offered by NPTA are Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) approved for continuing education credits. The 1 to 2 hour modules cover a wide range of educational needs for pharmacy technicians to apply in their workplace.

* CE Program fees – Non-members will incur fees of $7-$10, but the online continuing education courses are offered free for members.

Baxter Pharmaceutical Company

* History – Baxter has been an industry leader in the renal, bioscience and medication delivery areas as an active private company, since it entered the healthcare industry, in 1931.

* CE curriculums – Healthstream LLC, a sub-contracted training company that is an industry leader in its own right, administers the continuing education programs offered by Baxter. Hemophilia, pain management, nutrition, renal treatment, immune therapy, albumin therapy and medication delivery are some curriculum areas covered in the CE modules.

* CE Program fees – The continuing education courses are offered at no-cost by Baxter.

Tech Lectures Courses

* History – Since 1996, pharmacy technicians have taken advantage of the CE courses that are offered by Tech Lectures.

* CE curriculums – Tech Lecture offers 27 CE courses for pharmacy technicians that are approved by the major certification organizations. The continuing education package of 20 to 21 hours is processed by mail.

* CE Program fees – The cost is $42 for the 20 hour continuing education packet and shipping and handling is approximately $8.

Pharmacists News Magazine-Drug Topics

* History – Many pharmacy technicians may already be familiar with the monthly news magazine because Drug Topics covers the trends that are emerging, issues that affect pharmacists in the legal and regulatory realms and the impact that new products and technology have on the pharmacist.

* CE curriculums – Drug Topics includes discussions on new drugs, advances in HIV/AIDS treatment and ethical concerns for the pharmacist, as part of the continuing education courses for pharmacy technicians, similar to magazine topics they offer.

* CE Program fees – You can purchase 12 lessons for $54 or purchase individual continuing education lessons for $6 each.

US Pharmacist By Jobson Publishing

* History – Jobson Publishing owns The US Pharmacist, which is a monthly journal for pharmacy technicians where emerging trends in pharmaceutical are discussed in a forum.

* CE curriculums – US Pharmacist continuing education curriculum covers prevention of cardiovascular disease prevention through diet, menopause, ovarian cancer and prescription drug abuse.

* CE Program fees – For $6.50, you receive 2 continuing education credits in each module.

Pharmacy Times By Intellisphere, LLC

* History – Pharmacy Times is one of the largest magazines in the pharmaceutical industry, with a target audience of more than 160,000. It is managed by Intellisphere, LLC.

* CE curriculums -Ethics, drug information, medicine safety and subjects that have an impact on the pharmaceutical industry are part of the continuing education curriculums.

* CE Program fees – There are no fees for the courses.

When it comes to continuing education for pharmacy technicians, there are many different curriculums to choose from to get your continuing education credits. The primary concern is to get all of the information you need to practice current practical skills and keep up with emerging trends and the knowledge you need to know. The continuing education credits are a means to ensure you maintain your certification and that you are the most up-to-date in the pharmaceutical field, but the ultimate goal is that you learn information that you can put into practice.

Copy of Why Education For The Poor Has To Be Free

Educational qualifications can be, and often are used to maintain the status quo – the existing social order. When I lived in the Netherlands, you had to have qualifications to be able to open a shop. Sounds fair enough, you might say, but the exams were only available in Dutch, which is not one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world.

If Mohamed Al-Fayed, the owner of Harrods, wanted to open a shop in the Netherlands, he would have to learn Dutch or circumvent the regulations by hiring local managers.

While I can see the need for people (shop keepers in this case) to provide evidence of an understanding of the law of the land, some countries take it too far. They make education a weapon of class warfare.

After all, it allows the ruling class to say that they are only trying to raise standards, while not providing the means for the poor to reach those standards. By not providing a universal education, they are in fact ensuring that the best jobs stay with the richest families.

There is a subtle way of modifying this scheme so as to make the gentry look innocent – they can put schools in every village and then stock them with low-grade teachers by making the wages and conditions awful, and simultaneously open the universities to all who have reached the requisite level of education.

This method also keeps the riff-raff out but allows the rich to maintain the illusion that a university education is open to all. This is the most common tactic in the Developing World.

In richer countries like Europe and America, the glass ceiling is put in place by making higher education expensive and offering ‘cheap loans’ to students who wish to continue their education.

In the UK, at the moment, the cap on university fees is about $14,000 per annum, so after a typical three tear course, a student comes away with a degree, which is no longer a guarantee of a job, and a $40,000 overdraft.

That is enough to deter the riff-raff too.

So what is the solution to this subtle form of the poverty, or at least, the social status trap?

Means-tested grants used to work just fine.

A student has to be able to embark on an educational course without having the distraction of worrying about money. Rich kids don’t have to worry about their finances at or after university, so why should poor kids? Let’s make it fair.

Britain as a whole had this enviable system for decades, but Scotland is the only country within the UK to maintain it. Welsh students have to pay something, I think, but not as much as English kids.

This will probably result in more Scottish and Welsh graduates per head of population than English ones in the near future. The Celts will love that, but it doesn’t seem fair on the English working class.

One of the reasons why Lek in ‘Behind The Smile’ did not stay at school was because the family thought the the cost seemed to be too high for the benefits that they could see it delivering. This is not the state’s direct fault, but it does result from a lack of ambition in people who have never known anyone in their family go to university.

Behind The Smile : ISBN: 978-1-475-21688-2 : Published by CreateSpace 19-4-2012 : Paperback and eBook.

Disadvantages Of Examination-oriented Education System

Although kids may appear to be jumping and laughing all day, they also face the threat of stress. This can come from many sources be it family issues, bullying issues or even education system. An examination-oriented education system can bring unneeded stress with improper implementation.

Grades are all that matters in an examination-oriented education system. Get a high grade and you get the affection from the teachers while other students gawk at you in awe. Low grades invite low-self esteem and isolation. This is because the students are bound to be highly competitive and subconsciously, they create caste among their friends. Those who have low grades are seen as unworthy to fit into their circle of friends.

Students are forced to know and learn everything their study by heart in order to get good grades during examination. This can be easy for some while it can be very difficult for others, especially those who are hands-on type of people. Inability to perform may only result in embarrassment although being shunned by other friends will bring harsher impact to the students’ lives.

A student will have to invest a lot of his or her time if a student wants to excel in studies. They will lose their childhood in the process, missing the chance to mix around with their peers. This can hamper their social skills learning skill, a skill that is bound to be important throughout their lives.

Once the aim is set to get higher grades in tests, other activities will have to be sacrificed. Teachers are bound to cut extra-curricular activities such as sports and also discourage creative activities so that students can study longer. This should not happen because the students have worked hard in the class and studying so they should be allowed to take part in such activities as an outlet to release stress. How can they reduce stress if they have to pore over a book day and night?

Examination-oriented education system may have a noble aim. However, the implementation should be done carefully so it will not affect the students. Everyone should understand that every individual is unique; some may excel academically while others can rely on hands-on expertise.

Importance Of Teacher Education

Teacher plays a very pivotal role in shaping up the children personality and behavior, which ultimately form the future of the society .Parents are always concerned to provide their children with best education.Good schooling means a good teaching that is we mean to say an efficient teacher.Students are taught all the basic manners and behavior which helps them to carry on the life in the best possible manner.Teacher education helps in preparing good, efficient and well trained teaching faculty. Any good school is comprised learned teachers which in turn benefits the school and students.

Features of the concept of Teacher education
– To provide and update teachers with the best and enhanced teaching techniques
– To match up with the latest trend and methods
– Practical implication of the teaching methods
– Various organization have come to impart the essential training to teachers
– Teachers from various schools get a common platform to exchange their thoughts
– New policies to enhance and utilize the potential of the teachers
– Giving a professional touch which can match up with the corporate level
– Globalization of teaching methods
– New perspective in jobs in the teaching field

Re – defining the teaching profession
As mentioned above teacher education has come a long way with absolutely new and professional methods of teaching. There is a complete procedure of educating and training the teacher which involves various steps like that of
– Explaining the basics of new teaching methods
– Development of teaching skills
– Specific training of content area
– Practical implementation through field experience that is taking up classes
– Analyzing the development of teachers on regular basis
– Quality of the teaching methods is re -assured
– Regular feedbacks are taken regarding practical applicability of the new teaching methods

Teacher education is a complete and well planned teaching module to make the teachers match the teaching level around the world. This particular teaching method has resulted in enhancing the level of education as a whole. Teachers have also responded well in adapting this new version in the field of teaching. The demo classes provided to them has rendered quite good help in understanding and executing it in practicality.

The new definition given to teaching profession has changed the outlook of people regarding teachers. Nowadays it has become the most sought out profession. The impact of the latest methods and techniques can be clearly understood by seeing an overall change in the levels and ways of teaching. Without the proper implication it would not have been possible to serve the purpose of good and enhanced teaching methods. The practical aspect of this module is taken care of as all the concerned teachers are provided with active learning techniques. With extension to this they are also provided with internship to actually understand the education policy.

Education In India- Information Of Top Universities, Colleges, Schools & Institutes

India is one of the most popular countries for its schools and colleges and universities. Even after being selected in the top educational institutes in India, no matter what is the sector we are talking about, you talk about management, engineering, science, art, medical, fashion, animation, design, hospitality, or other stream; it is not a very easy task.

There are lots of top educational institutes and Universities in India. You can easily find which are well known for their high quality standards of education in terms of the faculty members they have, infrastructure they provide, extracurricular activities and the overall approach in the way students are groomed and taken care of.

At present India is one of the most popular places for top business schools, engineering colleges, medical science colleges and institutes. There are too many recognized schools & colleges in India that offer very high quality education right from the primary standards to the higher secondary schools in India.

India is not only popular for the business schools and colleges but also there are various top universities in India like Delhi University known as DU, Mumbai University, Calcutta University, Andhra university, and so many others top standard universities in India.

Form the very long time, in India, the standard of education in India is very high and it is also getting better and better day by day. All kind of institute and Colleges in India are providing high quality educational services and also maintaining the very good international standard.

India has been always a home of the best class educational institutes and colleges. The quality of education India offers is really based on international standards and also most of the top class companies has got the Indian in their company on the top positions.

Examples of some of the top educational institutes of India include the AIIMS , IIMs, IITs, Christian Medical College, Vellore, MICA, National Institute of Design, and many more.

Whether you are a student of Arts stream, Commerce or Science student, India has just the right institution and colleges to serve you well for your all educational requirements.