Education Is The Chief Defense Of Nations

Surely be correct to say, Education is the chief defense of nations. The foundation of every state is the education of the youth. Only the educated are free. In the present competitive era, one can notice that education has become a necessity. It uplifts the person moral ethical and spiritual values. Illiteracy is a curse on mankind. An illiterate person does not appreciate the proper values of life. He/she is unaware of the modern day developments-both national and international.
The parliament has passed the constitution amendment act in 2002. This act has made elementary education a fundamental right for children in the age groups of 6 to14years. The sarva shiksha abhiyan covers the entire country.
Children are the asset of the nation. They are the citizens of tomorrow. If they remain illiterate, nothing good cab is expected from them in the future. Educated people have a rational mind to think. They can choose a career. They have more employment opportunities as compared to the illiterates.

Education accelerates economic and social development in the country. The main object of education is the establishment of a two fold harmony in every individual harmony with its own self and harmony with the other living beings in the whole world. It is rightly said – “The root of education is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Education has played a vital role not only in ancient times but will continue from generation to generation. Whatever it is a rich human or a poor the need of education is equal for each one.
It is the matter of great sorrow to know that India is lacking behind in the population as well as in education with comparison to the other countries. Child labor is the biggest problem due to which the population of uneducated children is increasing in our country.
In this new era, everybody wants to give international level education to their children. And it is absolutely right. Nowadays lots of international school India facilitate with such kind of education.

Education plays a very vital role in shaping one’s life and career by developing the capacities latent in human nature to the expression of progress and enrichment of society.
Every country requires educated and learned citizens. Unless people are educated they can not help the nation nor can they grow, so, for overall development education is a pre-requisite. Thus, education is a factor in nation building.
Without education one can not think of surviving in this world because for proper survival one should be educated then it may be in the form of boosting human capital, social capital of earnings.

Every member of a county should must be educated and move on the right path. Education not only means that getting degrees and being a topper but also having manners, good habits, confident and also being a good person to live in the society.
One must be good in studies, co-curricular activities and other fields. But he must also take care of his personality. Personality is the main thing that shows the background, society, and also how educated a person is. But studying is equally important along with personality to get jobs, be capable to match with other people, be equally participating and confident.
People along with their subject must be aware about the world and their surroundings. They must have social values and moral values too. Education is something that an educated person must have like know, how to talk, walk, behave with woman and elders and also know to learn. The education system of India is not correct, as the teachers emphasize only on the burden of studies. Correct education can lead to a growth of a good person and can also lead to success.
Correct education is the only way of living a comfortable and happy life. Be calm, be cheerful, be strong and you can surely receive a good education and good personality

United States India Education Foundation Opens the Gate for Studying in USA

Universities in USA are renowned all over the world for providing quality education, number of courses to opt, world class educational environment and many more reasons. Numbers of students in the world has the aim of studying in these universities and have a chance to get quality education and experience the top quality educational atmosphere. There are number of universities and colleges in USA that are ranked under top 100 universities in the world like Harvard University, Stanford University and university of Pennsylvania are to name a few.

Every number of students all over the world comes to study in USA. As per the stats more than 600,000 students from different nations comes to USA for their higher education. Stats show that more than 90,000 students out of these are from India which clearly shows the popularity of USA amongst Indian students. Education USA Centre is also one of the causes for popularity of colleges in USA. Education USA centers promote higher education in USA. It has its various centers all over the world including India as well. These centers provide ample information about various Universities and colleges, education programs, intake session and every other necessary detail that are required by students to get admission in desired universities.

High standards of education and top notch universities are not the only reasons for such popularity. There are various other reason that attracts students towards USA like bright career prospectus as all the major companies in the world are in USA, global exposure, rich cultural heritage, excellent training and growth opportunities. As there are myriad advantages of studying in USA and that is the reason for tough competition amongst the students for studying in Australia. Many talented students every year gets disappointed due to rejection of there application and cause for this rejection is lack of knowledge looking up to such problems USIEF (United States India Education Foundation) is established which is affiliated to US Department of States . USEF has its four centers all over India including New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. USIEF is the only official educational advising centre in India.

United States India Education Foundation has helped number of Indian students who were interested to various colleges in USA. USIEF provides unbiased, sufficient and timely information to the interested students. USIEF staff members are approved trainer from United States Department of States ehich have a good experience in the same field. These councilors provide free of cost and fee based counseling service providing the required details about getting about the course, universities, finance required and every other thing that is required.

The Quality services of USIEF includes
Special Information session on various admission procedures.
Personal Counseling (advise on how to choose universities and courses, financial statement, how to write personal statement and other required details).
Basic information and overview of US higher Education system and application Procedure.
Attestation of Academic documents
Counseling over how to get visa and how to file application.
Pre- Departure information for students that helps them to connect to universities once they reach USA.
Organizing various fairs US University Fairs, Alumni Fairs, US University information sessions

In the recent times it have been seen that USIEF have played a vital role in growth of number of Indian students studying in USA. USIEF is dedicated source of information and as it is the official organization it saves students from many fake organizations which have the sole aim of deriving money from students.

Experience The Convenience That Online Education Can Give You

Online education programs are conducted over radio, television and the very common is over the mail. The very popular Internet is today’s primary method of presenting and distributing educational materials. This mode of learning is the latest trend in education today. Many people benefit from this especially students who have limited money, time, who are living in remote areas and students with handicapped.

Online education is usually web-based with specific web site that is designated to the degree course. Students need supplemental materials such as computer software as a part of certain course. In order to take exams and know posted assignments, students must visit the website . Through email, chat rooms or forums, students and instructors can communicate with each other. Discussions and virtual lectures are part of online course work. Students can attend virtual classrooms to complete their course degree. There are some online schools that are having virtual graduation ceremonies for their graduate students who are located in remote areas.

Many accredited Universities and Colleges now are offering online classes to cater the needs of many people with hectic schedules. They offer online degrees with hundreds of course subjects for you to choose from. Students can learn new skills and gain new information at their own pace. They have the freedom of choosing a place and time to study. Some of them attend online classes during their free time. Many students enroll here from different part of the world just to further their education. Some of them participate in online education programs because colleges do not exist in remote areas.

You can also combine traditional classes to online courses that is also known as blended learning learning experiences. Learners who successfully finished a degree course online are usually the ones who possess qualities such as self motivated, well organized, independent learner, computer literate, good time management skills and excellent communication skills.

We could not deny the fact that online education environment will never completely replaced traditional way of earning a degree course. The dynamic nature and convenience that online education give to its student attracts more and more people to participate in such system of education. It is a very effective way to achieve higher education or to further your education for a better career opportunity in the future. With the continued support in online learning environments and classroom sessions there is an assurance that trainings are delivered conveniently and effectively for both instructors and students.

Get An Education In The Arts

For some people art is just something you put on your refrigerator doors. It is something you have to do for schoolwork, or to while your time away. In truth, there truly is something beneath the surface of art that will tantalize every student and teacher. And this is the truth behind art education.

Q. What Is An Education In The Arts?
A. Art Education is the means by which a student gains an understanding of form and design. An education in the arts is typically divided into three areas – the fine arts, such as music, drama, sculpture or painting, the general arts, programs such as education, criminology, etc, and design, such as graphic design, web design, or interior design.

Q. Why Arts?
A. Art has a great power to influence people. It also has a significant effect on the history of man. Art may seem like it is just something pretty, but under the hood it boasts of a pretty powerful engine. One that has shaped the world, and indeed your very life. You can’t go one day in the span of your life without being exposed to some form of artistic design, from the

A wise man once said that an education in the arts is the absolute best education one can have because it exposes you to the most general field of studies. Over time, you will know a little about everything. If you chose a more specialized field, you would gradually learn more and more about less and less. And I’d rather know a little about everything than everything about something, don’t you agree?

1. Express Yourself
Art is by far one of the most rewarding careers because, unlike a career in the sciences or a trade, it allows you to express your creativity. And no two days are the same. The power to captivate and inspire is also very rewarding. Hasn’t the Mona Lisa drawn its share of oohs and aahs? And hasnt many a tear been shed at the beautiful works of art around the world? Man has always expressed his deepest thoughts and desires in a tangible form. This form is Art.

Industries need artists who have had a good education in Art. Creating labels, stickers, and advertisements for their products isn’t easy. These things require plenty of thought and design. Every detail has been considered to make its effect on the consumer optimal. Have you ever been interested in a product simply because of the packaging? This is art at work.

2. Art Is Everywhere
* Psychology
* Design esthetics
* Advertisements
* Television & Movies
* Furniture
* Clothing

3. Who Should Study Art?
Almost everyone has gone to art class in grade school or high school. Even those who are not artists can benefit from an Art Education. They will come to appreciate the rich history and significance of Art.

4. I Want to Learn! How do I Sign Up?
Art education is not confined to undergrad studies. It also extends to tutors, art classes, vocational classes and other learning methods. Many schools exist that teach the history, principles and appreciation of Art. These schools carry the tradition of imparting to the next generation the significance of art.

5. The Rewards Of An Art Education
You may be tempted to think you will be able to wing it through a career without any formal training. That is possible, but not likely. Industries are on the lookout for those with professional education. Even with an education from a post-secondary institution, in this field, you never stop learning and keeping up with technology.

An Art Education is clearly important to artists and laymen alike. It may not be the path everyone takes, but it is the path that richly rewards those who take it. The riches here are not only of the material kind but that of a good education and a heightened appreciation of the world around you.

Is Higher Education Worth the Cost

With college tuition costs rapidly increasing, more and more students are questioning whether it is worth it to pursue higher education. As it turns out, a college education is still a wise investment. Heres why.

Increased Earning Potential

Its estimated that for every dollar a person invests in higher education, they will enjoy over $30 in increased lifetime income! Thats a return on investment that anyone on Wall Street would envy.

Similarly, people with a bachelors degree earn an average of $1.6 more over their lifetime than those with only a high school diploma, according to the Postsecondary Education Opportunity Research Letter. Meanwhile, the average incomes of those with a high school education are sinking. Given this atmosphere, you cant afford not to go to college.

Improved Job Prospects and Benefits

College graduates arent just more prosperous they have a wider array of careers to choose from.

The number of jobs that require a college degree is increasing. Some jobs require a specialized college degree; other employers simply value college graduates because they have the skills and knowledge base that high school graduates lack.

In addition, the process of attending college frequently makes students aware of subjects and fields they wouldnt have otherwise considered opening doors for lucrative, rewarding careers.

Having a college degree is an advantage, regardless of your major and the industry you wish to enter. And in some cases, if you desire a job that doesnt actually require a college degree, your education is likely to net you better pay and benefits than a person with less education.

Lastly, careers restricted to college graduates are more prestigious, pay better, and offer great benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, and retirement benefits. These benefits are necessary to achieve financial security and stability, especially if you have a family.

Better Quality of Life

Numerous studies have shown that college graduates enjoy better health and quality of life, and they pass these advantages onto their children.

Compared to people with just a high school education, college graduates have longer life spans, better diet and health, better access to healthcare, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment, better job satisfaction, more self-confidence, more savings, and more hobbies and leisure activities. College also tends to make people more rational, open-minded, consistent, and cultured.

In addition, the children of college graduates are healthier, perform better in school, and are more likely to attend college, compared to the children of high school graduates.

Lastly, we cant overlook that college can and should be fun! Attending college presents amazing opportunities to meet new people, develop new skills, and explore your areas of interest.

College is also a great setting in which to grow personally, culturally, and intellectually. College students often have the opportunity to study abroad or to participate in other exciting learning experiences. In addition, the college environment invites students to explore academic disciplines, join student organizations, connect with professors, share ideas in a safe setting, and grapple with difficult problems. All of these activities prepare students to be productive citizens in todays world.


Are you wondering how youre going to afford college? Maybe you should be wondering if you can afford not to go, given all the advantages of a college education.

With grants, scholarships, and financial aid available, college is accessible to nearly anyone. And with todays distance learning programs, such as the University of Phoenixs respected online degree program, you can earn your degree while working full-time.