Education Prohibited In Meles Zenawi’s Tyrannical, Fake ‘ethiopia’

We cannot accept anymore the myth that nobody can be worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Pot Pot; the reason we cannot is simple: the worse already exists, and if we do not see it in all its aspects, dimensions and activities, we simply let it expand. Even if an impotent and marginal state like pariah, bogus-Ethiopia, can generate nightmares of incredible extent. If not by itself, by the justified reactions it can provoke to its inhuman practices.

Amhara and Tigray ruled Abyssinia: the realm of ignorance and barbarism

Parochial and iniquitous relic of eras bygone for Europeans and unknown to Americans, Meles Zenawi’s tyranny has more in parallel and common with the Medieval times of Sigeric, Geiseric, Hilderic, and Athalaric than with 19th century despotisms and 20th century dictatorships.

Ruled by quasi-analphabetic monks, whose heretic Christianity had been refuted by Constantinople and Rome, the Amharas and the Tigrays based their society on fear and blind, unquestioned faith. Their hatred of Catholic and Protestant missionaries and European explorers of Gueze, their own old and liturgical language, caused torture and death to many willing to expand Lights and Knowledge in that part of the world.

Literacy was traditionally viewed very suspiciously by the debteras, these heretic and mostly illiterate monks, who read their Scriptures with the utmost difficulty; to cover their ignorance, they order their servants to hide manuscripts and to kill Westerners who attempt to take them for study and publication in Europe and America. In a place like this, ‘public school’ is never an institution truly accepted and irreversibly adopted by the local, anachronistic establishment.

It goes without saying that, with the expansion of the Amhara kingdom at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the enslaved peoples, the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Afars, and the Ogadenis became the object of unprecedented genocide. The genocide had a definitely cultural educational dimension; they could not let them preserve their national and cultural identity because this would soon create liberation struggles as it did. For a moment, the Abyssinian tyranny decided to export Amhara culture and education to the enslaved peoples. This was Pandora’s box.

With their national languages written in Latin, thank to the educational efforts of European missionaries and academia, the Oromos, the Ogadenis, the Sidamas and the other enslaved peoples learnt to great extent Amharic as a foreign language, and this helped them understand better their invaders, their brutal and barbaric culture, and their totalitarian and anachronistic mentality. As a matter of fact, it became easier to the oppressed peoples of Abyssinia to differentiate themselves from the oppressors.

The problem was ‘solved’ in another way at the times of the pro-Communist Mengistu tyranny; Amharic would become in Abyssinia what Russian was in the Soviet Union. This effort lasted almost two decades, and generated among the oppressed peoples an even stronger feeling of refutation of the oppressors. In today’s Abyssinia, the majority of those who can speak Amharic hate, despise and detest Amharic as language of their oppressors and tyrants. Useless for them, except when in contact with the tyrannical administration, Amharic will become even more insignificant, when the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Afars, and the Ogadenis achieve their independence and statehood. The reason is simple: if for the entire country, the literacy rate is approximately 43%, literacy among Amharas does not exceed 20%.

Today, with Meles Zenawi’s effort to embellish the Abyssinian tyranny and make resemble a democracy, police practices are pursued in most of the provinces trying to turn children originating from the oppressed peoples away from the schools. The totalitarian Zenawi administration realized that the only way for fake ‘Ethiopia’ to survive is to resemble a mortuary; either they butcher of they kick out of the school without pretext. UNESCO and the other international bodies, world academia and NGOs should focus on the following document issued before some days by the Oromo Liberation Front.

A 2007 Mortuary called ‘Ethiopia’

It bears witness to an obscurantism far worse than that of Hitler and Stalin; and this is not an exaggeration or a figure of speech, but the tragic reality of a 2007 Mortuary called ‘Ethiopia’.

Expulsion of Oromo students form schools continued

Since its ascendance to power the Ethiopian minority regime has been bent on campaigns of terror on anything Oromo well across the board. In recent past, it focused on expulsion of Oromo professionals from their jobs and deriving Oromo kids their rights to education. Accordingly, this month alone, 9 Oromo students were expelled from schools in West Shawa zone of Oromia for no known reasons.

The names of the victimized students are:

1. Girma Nagassa (previously imprisoned for 8 months and later released without charges),

2. Getacho Idoosaa (also been suspended from school for a year before)

3. Dagitu Tashome

4. Anbassa Tariku

5. Tadassa Tasu

6. Dajane Ababiyaa

7. Tamira Tarafa

8. Garado Asafaa

9. DajaneAduyna

Residents of the areas have identified the following under cover government security officials who are behind the crime against Oromo kids in the area:

1. Shanbal Nagassa (works for district administration office)

2. Baqale Banti (vice administrator of the district)

3. Sichala Dheressaa

4. Balate kumaa (member of school board)

5. Ababa Lelisa (works for rural development office)

6. Alamayo Tafaa

We would like to alert Oromos in the region to be aware of the covert operations of these individuals and take necessary precautionary measures.

Victory for the Oromo People!

Why You Need The Best Mlm Education

Why Do You Need MLM Online Training?

One of the questions I get asked all of the time is: Why do I need an Online Education System MLSP for My MLM Home Based Business? Or why do I need MLSP?

Before I answer that question:

First of all let me ask you some simple questions:

1.Are you struggling to find time to work & work on your business?
2.Are you flat worn out?
3.Do you need more leads? (If so MLSP may be the answer)
4.Do you have a company website and need more traffic?
5.Do you want to make more $$ so you will have the time & money to do things with your family or friends?

If your answer is Yes to any of those Questions You have just got one answer as to why you need and online Marketing system Like MLSP.

Have you found it harder and harder to make time for your business?

It may be time to think about how you can Use the power of the internet to automate your activities so you can have more time to spend with your family.

First of all it is vitally important to know and understand the dynamics of education and the explosion of information and technology:

1.All you have to do is look at the changes in Social Networking.
2.Youtube started in Feb. 2005 about 5 years ago and is currently the #4 most active website.
3.Twitter had the first tweet in March 2006 about 4 years ago and is the #12 most active website.
4.Things are moving so fast that it is easy to get overwhelmed with information overload.
5.But if you want to be where the most traffic and people are you have to go online.

The fact is you can contact and connect with 1,000s of people in one hour online and that is just physically something that is impossible to do in person.

An Online education is going to benefit you by help you to grow and keep current with cutting edge marketing strategies.

Some other great benefits are:

1.You will be able to leverage your time, money and effort so you will have more of the good things you need to live your dreams.
2.You can choose to learn and work at the pace that best fits your schedule.
3.You can live and work wherever and however you want.
4.Online education often costs far less than traditional education because you can save on time, money and circumstances.

An Online education is going to benefit you by help you to grow and keep current with cutting edge marketing strategies.

You have heard knowledge is power.

Online education allows you to use the power of the internet to automate your activities so you can have more time to spend with your family.

Online education is more flexible than traditional education. You literally can study anytime you like plus the information can be more focused to your individual needs and desires.

Here is a guarantee! By starting your online education you will open up a path to self achievement. Your self esteem will almost automatically improve and you will be able to assist others.

Once you realize that ongoing education is vital to change you will possess the key to mastering change. By changing how you look at things, (through education and self-development) the things you look at change.

Once again — By changing how you look at things, the things you look at change.

Disadvantages Of Online Education

Till now all I have done is talk about the benefits of online education; all that it gives us for less money. All we can acquire by just sitting at the ease of our houses. But as we all know nothing comes without a disadvantage. If something gives you benefits and comfort, it must somewhere have something that is not that beneficial and can be a little bit hurting. Everything has a cost to it. So does online education.

One major drawback in online education is the lack of technical skills required to pursue an online degree. Most people are still not that technologically advanced to cope up with the methods that are used to make online education better. I dont mean that all students are not technologically equipped; however ever there still are a large number who lag behind. Even many of the lecturers and administration people themselves find difficulty in operating the programs to teach or monitor the students. The tutors, especially, have had acquired their degree through traditional means and are mostly not very well versed with the gadgets.

Secondly, the most important thing required to student online is a computer and internet connection. However people in regional and far flung areas still dont have access to this commodity. It is quiet expensive for them to purchase a computer. In one place where online education helps students from different areas meet and study together, there on the same time it creates a difficulty where a student cannot consult or discuss a technical problem occurred to him as he may not find anyone from his area.

Online course designers can sometimes wrongly anticipate computer technology advances. This leads to courses being developed for implementation on computers which were expected to become available in the future, but which did not become available; (Alexander, S. (2001) Education and Training E-Learning developments and experiences Vol. 43, Iss. 4/5, pg.240.)
The cost of an online degree is not always very low as thought by students. Some degrees may cost much more than if they were taken traditionally due to the cost of the multimedia accessories and materials involved in the syllabus. These costs may even leave behind the costs of accommodation and travel in local education.
Online education sometimes becomes very difficult to maintain. One of the reasons why a student moves towards online education is lack of time. He finds it difficult to maintain a balance between job and college hours. But even whether studying online you need to devote time in order to get grades and pass courses. At college and school, students have pre arranged time tables. Whereas while studying online you have to set a time table yourself or all your efforts go wasted.
Another major disadvantage I’d count is the lack of interaction. Even though students interact with their tutors through online learning systems, however one still cant hear questions and discussions of other students at the time of lecture delivery. However nothing is totally free from disadvantages. Online education also has some. It now depends on the student how he manages everything.

Gandhi’s Views On Education

By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man – body, mind and spirit. Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning. It is only one of the means whereby man and woman can be educated. Literacy in itself is no education. I would therefore begin the child’s education by teaching it a useful handicraft and enabling it to produce from the moment it begins its training.

I hold that the highest development of the mind and the soul is possible under such a system of education. Only every handicraft has to be taught not merely mechanically as is done today but scientifically, i.e., the child should know the why and the wherefore of every process. I am not writing this without some confidence, because it has the backing of experience. This method is being adopted more or less completely wherever spinning is being taught to workers.

I have myself taught sandal-making and even spinning on these lines with good results. This method does not exclude a knowledge of history and geography. But I find that this is best taught by transmitting such general information by word of mouth. One imparts ten times as much in this manner as by reading and writing. The signs of the alphabet may be taught later when the pupil has learnt to distinguish wheat from chaff and when he has somewhat developed his or her tastes.

This is a revolutionary proposal, but it saves immense labour and enables a student to acquire in one year what he may take much longer to learn. This means all round economy. Of course, the pupil learns mathematics whilst he is learning his handicraft.

Given the right kind of teachers, our children will be taught the dignity of labour and learn to regard it as an integral part and means of their intellectual growth, and to realize that it is patriotic to pay for their training through their labour. The core of my suggestion is that handicrafts are to be taught, not merely for productive work, but for developing the intellect of the pupils.

Surely, if the State takes charge of the children between seven and fourteen, and trains their bodies and minds through productive labour, the public schools must be frauds and teachers idiots, if they cannot become self-supporting.

We have up to now concentrated on stuffing childrens minds with all kinds of information, without ever thinking of stimulating and developing them. Let us now cry a halt and concentrate on educating the child properly through manual work, not as a side activity, but as the prime means of intellectual training…

You have to train the boys in one occupation or another. Around this special occupation you will train up his mind, his body, his handwriting, his artistic sense, and so on. He will be a master of the craft he learns.

Literary training by itself adds not an inch to one’s moral height and that character building is independent of literary training. Let the students realize that learning without courage is like a waxen statuebeautiful to look at but bound to melt at the least touch of a hot substance.

Music should form part of the syllabus of primary education. I heartily endorse this proposition. The modulation of voice is as necessary as the training of the hand. Physical drill, handicrafts, drawing and music should go hand in hand in order to draw the best out of the boys and girls and create in them real interest in their tuition.

A wise parent allows the children to make mistakes. It is good for them once in a while to burn their fingers.

Gandhi had great clarity on education, as he had on several other areas. Are his ideas still relevant? Should we fundamentally rethink education and make it more appropriate to the context rural or urban? Do share your thoughts in this regard.

Private education loans

Instruction lending options are sought by persons who do not have unique funds for his or her learning. Private education loans, also called alternate financial loans, are individuals which are used when federal lending options, grants, scholarships, and work-study packages usually are not adequate. A private education loan would cowl all degree costs for instance: tuition, space and board, uniforms, transportation, charges, books as well as a pc.

Private education loans usually are not assured by the authorities as opposed to federal lending options. These are generally supplied by personal trusts, philanthropic and non-profit organizations. The mortgage sum can assortment in between $1,500 and 30,000. Typically, the mortgage quantity would cowl the whole price of learning, minus any federal scholarships or grants. All US residents, nationals, or everlasting residents can apply for a mortgage. College students who’re applying for his or her personal lending options have to be US residents, should really have a favorable credit report and meet particular ailments. International college students can implement with an eligible US cosigner. The attraction charges for these financial loans are greater than individuals for federal lending options ranging in between 8-10%. Optimum reimbursement interval is 20 many years and is based on the mortgage sum. Bare minimum month-to-month precept and attention cost for a few of these lending options is $25. Reimbursement possibilities are of countless sorts. These consist of rapid fee of precept and fascination, speedy reimbursement of appeal to, deferment of precept, and deferment of each attraction together with precept. These examples are contingent on the kind of mortgage used. For graduate/professional lending options, each principal and attraction are routinely deferred although the pupil is in college, and throughout the six months following graduation or from the time the pupil ceases to be enrolled in college no less than half-time. Private education loans can not be consolidated with federal learning lending options.

Nowadays, there are lots of solutions of private education loans. Even the software method has grow to be really fast and simple with web-based and telephonic purposes.