A Brief Overview on Online Education

I am sure there are some people reading this that know exactly what I am saying when they feel as though they have been in a dead end job for a long time and want to change their future. Obviously, you know you can. More and more people all over the world are getting an online education to improve their future. They go to work or do their tasks during the day and get a good online education at night or in their spare time. Some types of online education is free, such as some communities offer websites where you can get your GED through their services free of charge by using their online education software. Putting it plainly, in most cases, you just sign up.

Now when it comes to actual diplomas, or degrees to better your future, an online education will probably cost you but depending on what it is you are learning will be how costly the online education should be. Those who choose to go after some type of online education after finishing their courses and get their certificates, diploma, or some type of degree, then they often times can take it to an employer or company in the world, and begin to make a better income.

This is the reason most people sign up for online educations in the first place, is to better their futures, and make more money than at their present or previous job. And you can’t blame people for wanting to make things better for themselves now can you.

Getting an online education simply starts with a search, of what you really want to do with the rest of your life, and there are many web sites available and willing to assist you in doing just that. These web sites can tell you how long the course will take, fees, information on materials or software that might be needed, as well as other things. Some people just don’t have time to “go back to college” but with the use of technology and through the Internet people are capable of getting an online education therefore bettering there situation and their future circumstances financially.

There are so many web sites and search results to choose from all you really need to do is search for the one that you like the best and the one that you can accord, sometimes you can even apply for some kind of financial aid, even with an online education; it solely depends on who you are going through.

When you finish your online education you also feel a sense of accomplishment and the optimism of furthering your career and your future. There is nothing in the world wrong with making more money and if you get an online education you are more apt to succeed in this area. If you are required to pay a portion of the online education, there are also situations where you are allowed to pay back so much a month. You don’t necessarily have to pay the entire amount back at one time.

State of Education in Rural India

The role of education in facilitating social and economic progress is well accepted. Access to education is critical to gain insight in to the emerging opportunities for economic growth. Keeping this fact in mind there has been a major thrust towards education since independence; but ensuring quality education in rural India has always been one of the biggest challenges for the government.

The education sector has received considerable attention in the recent Budget (for the year 2011 – 2012) too – which has announced a significant increase of 24 per cent in the total allocation for education sector. The existing operational norms of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have also been revised to implement the right of children to free and compulsory education and came into effect from 1 April 2010. Allocations to achieve the objectives of the Right to Education (RTE), which has been aligned with the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, were hiked from Rs 15,000crores to Rs 21,000crores. While this is targeted at strengthening elementary education, the Centre is now focusing on adding vocational studies at the secondary education level. This will enable students to pursue job-oriented courses as early as the plus two-level. Initiatives have also been taken to increase retention of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students in Class IX and X by introducing a pre-matriculation scholarship.

The Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry’s allocations have gone up to Rs 52,057crores from last year’s Rs 43,836crore. Though the recent budget seems to be providing a major impetus towards the country’s overall educational growth but due to various socio-economic factors, India’s education program continues to be denigrated. Those living in the rural areas are the worst affected by our educational system. To encourage the growth of rural education, policies have been formulated, laws have been introduced but implementing the process in an effective way has been the lacunae of the entire system. There continue to be issues of quality and access and remain areas of concern particularly in the sphere of rural education in India. Children in rural areas continue to be deprived of quality education owing to a lack of competent and committed teachers, lack of textbooks or teaching-learning materials, and so on. A large number of teachers refuse to teach in rural areas and those that do, are usually under-qualified. The much publicized mid-day meal scheme meant to reduce drop-out rates in schools does not seem to be yielding the desired results particularly for underprivileged girls.

Current Scenario:

In India, condition of rural education still has a lot to be desired as the conditions of these rural schools are still very poor. There are very few schools in the rural areas and children have to travel far away distances to avail these facilities and most schools in these locations do not provide even drinking water. The quality of education is also very poor. The teachers are paid poorly and so most of the time the teachers are either absent or do not teach properly. There are many initiatives taken by the government, but they are not implemented in the schools resulting in the condition of the education remaining the same.

Problems faced in rural education in India:

Teachers of rural schools in villages and small towns receive low income so there is a possibility that teachers do not teach well enough or are absent Most of the schools do not have proper infrastructure – they do not have most of the facilities such as computer education, sports education and other extra-curricular activities There are no proper transport facilities and as a result the children find it inconvenient to travel long distances There is no excess to supplemental education 96.5% of children in the 6 to 14 age group in rural India are enrolled in school 71.1% of these children are enrolled in government schools, 24.3 % are enrolled in private schools. The proportion of girls (age 11-14) who are still out of school has declined from 6.8% in 2009 to 5.9 in 2010; in states like Rajasthan (12.1%) and Uttar Pradesh (9.7%), this percentage remains high and shows little change since 2009

Abhishek Mehta is a proud Indian, who wants to spread awareness on girl’s education in India. He is associated with ACES – An NGO, which is run by a dedicated team, who want to enhance level of education of girls in India. If you believe this is important, Support this cause.

Philosophy Of Education

Motivation to learn

Motivation may be defined as the process (usually internal) that serves to activate an individuals behavior towards a particular direction. This behavior must be persistent in order for one to categorize it as an aspect that had been derived from motivation behavior. Since education in general necessitates persistent behavior, then the concept is imperative in the learning process.
The big question that must be answered is where can teachers draw this motivation from? In other words, there is a need to look into the sources of motivation. (Russell, 2003)

The first one among these is through external stimuli. This encompasses positive feelings that arise from positive outcomes or negative ones that emanate from undesired consequences. Students can be motivated to learn when they realize that there are some positive outcomes to be achieved or some unpleasant ones to be avoided. Students can also be motivated to learn through the social realm. This occurs when they are valued by certain academic related groups. Also students are motivated through the cognitive aspect. In this case, such children may realize that something is in fact interesting and that they need to stick to it. Also, when students fear a certain threat such as repeating a class or not getting a job after college, then they may be motivated to learn.

Additionally, students can be motivated to learn through the conative aspects of their lives. In this regard, when students have a certain dream or life goal that they desire to achieve, then this can go a long way in enhancing their learning process.

Purpose of the school
Students attend school in order to get empowered so as to have the ability to change their societies. This means that schools need to inculcate the right attitudes, behavior and values needed to live in society. It should be noted that society itself has become very pluralistic and diverse. Consequently, school paves the way for achieving this in the long run.

Through schools, it is possible for individuals to gain equal access to opportunities that would have otherwise been unavailable to them if they had not been educated. (Dewey and Russell, 1997)

In order to achieve these purposes, then schools and their representatives need to have a well defined purpose. This has been stated earlier. Additionally, schools need to teach children how to maintain integrity in their institution. This also means that there should be encouragement of character as an important aspect of learning. Also, there ought to be vitality at all times thus teaching students how to prevent burnout during their time in school and even outside the classroom environment.

All children should be educated
My philosophy of education largely embraces this belief. In other words, it is my firm conviction that all children should be educated. This means that any form of discrimination based on the following cannot be tolerated
Culture/ ethnicity
Our society has become increasingly versatile. These days, a classroom may have students from different racial groups. These children all deserve a chance in education because it is right. This fact may hold in open societies such as this country or in other conservative ones too. All children must be treated equally in education. The same argument can also b applied to person form different cultures and ethnicities.

Gender used to be an issue in education during the nineteenth century when a womans place had been set aside as being specific. With the advent of female rights movements, these ideas were replaced by more progressive ones. However, some individuals may belong to societies in which there is still a high level of gender imbalance. Such a mentality may be carried forward even when parents are living in liberal societies such as ours. Consequently, such parents will be denying their child a fundamental right. (Sobocan & Groarke, 2008)

All children should be educated regardless of their abilities. This brings in the issue of inclusive education. In this regard, inclusive schools provide disabled children with an avenue in which they can obtain knowledge both through the formal classroom setting and also through other avenues. Consequently, this empowers them to face society which is also diverse. This is an aspect that would not have been achieved if the disabled child was isolated in a special school.

The issue of age is crucial owing to the fact that some children may not access education opportunities during the right age. This normally occurs as a result of economic or financial strains that force their parents to deny them that opportunity.
Universal truths that schools shoul
d teach
Indeed, there are a number of universal truths that schools can teach their respective children. For instance, matters involving ethics. Ethic does not discriminate because it is universal. Regardless of ones culture, language or background, a child still needs to have some ethical values in order to survive in their lives.

An example of how this is applicable to all spheres of life is through relation to their own lives. For instance, when a child thinks that respect is not a universal issue, then one can reflect upon how others treat them in order to understand just how crucial this virtue is. Another universal truth with regard to ethics is related to the responsibility. All people value responsibility because if someone borrowed anothers car, then it goes without say that that person would definitely want it back. Besides these, it is imperative for children to remember that they cannot survive in society without self control. For instance, when a person is standing next to another one who happens to be a holding a gun, then it would be a desirable trait for the latter to exercise some form of self control. All in all, ethics forms a crucial part of human beings lives and can therefore be regarded as a universal truth. (Russell, 2003)

It is the duty of the school to inculcate in children the manner in which society works. Almost all people in society are struggling to cope or meet their needs. This is a fact that occurs in all aspects of life. Additionally, others are dealing with the issue of reality and how their perceptions can be merged with these realities. Also, there a school needs to teach children about how to face challenges and embrace opportunities.

Teaching character building/ morality is the role of the school
My philosophy of education is founded on the premise that schools have the compulsory obligation to meet teach children about morality. This can be depicted through simple issues and more complex ones. For instance, through the school, children learn that it is wrong to lie because when they do so, then they face negative consequences from it. Also they are taught about patience because they are required to wait for their turn while lining up in the school cafeteria or when answering question in class. Additionally, children are taught to be gentle because in school, violence is not tolerated or being cruel to other. Also, virtues such as honesty are taught automatically by prohibiting certain aspects such presenting work from others as ones own or prohibiting teaching within the classroom.

Character building is an aspect that cannot be chosen as is the case with other subjects or courses to be taken. For instance, if a parent requested a teacher or a school to allow their child to operate out of moral prescriptions by asking them to let his/her child to be violent or to lie. This is something that cannot be reversed or changed. It should be noted that when children choose not to learn morality, then chances are that they will be creating a culture of immorality and not opting out of morality. (Hading, 2000)

Some controversial issues are likely to address when examining the issue of morality because certain aspects of character building may not be universal. Consequently, others may be accused of imposing their moral opinions on others. Taking the example of teaching religions in schools; some people believe that religion is closely associated with morality and should therefore be allowed back in schools. However, I believe that morality need not be tied to religious aspects. Some of these beliefs are merely based on rituals such as not cooking food on the Sabbath or covering ones head with certain regalia. In my view, tying religion with morality is not a true aspect because it creates a different culture. Children will still respect, be honest and act responsibly even without bringing in the religious aspect.

Role of the teacher
Teaching was introduced in classrooms so as to create an environment in which students could learn. Consequently, teachers must be aware of the methods that facilitate students learning. On other words, teaching is the process of learning about student leaning.

Students already have an inherent quality that can motivate or discipline them during the process of learning. However, it is the role of the teacher to ensure that he/she creates a framework where a students abilities and desires can work hand in hand to boost their learning.

It is my belief that learning should be characterized by critical thinking and development of ideas or analyses about pertinent issue. This also means that teachers need to encourage students to participate in critical thought. Additionally, they need to be made in such a way that they have the most straight forward and appropriate methodology for dealing with issue.
A teacher provides the mechanisms for achieving a students aims. In other words, the teacher is the supporter and mentor to the child. They need to be inculcating in their students a sense of commitment, willingness and responsibility during the learning process.

It is my view that in order for teachers to achieve effectiveness in the teaching process, then they need to incorporate both the student and the subject matter in the process. Additionally, teachers also operate within institutional contexts and care must be taken to incorporate these .
Role of the student

Students have the responsibility of investing their time and also their efforts in the learning process. This is because the latter cannot take place without them. A students effort can be applied through a variety of channels. The first is through formal domains such as in the classroom, libraries, laboratories, athletics fields etc. The second is though other the social aspect. This means that students need to engage in student organizations or clubs, create friendship both within and outside the classroom. Participate in school activities and engage in conversations with others. Students are supposed to exercise these responsibilities otherwise failure to do so can lead go poor academic and non academic achievement. Also, it could create a culture of anti-intellectualism within a school.

Also, when students to fail to exceed these responsibilities, then they may not be able to fit in society. (Hare, 2007)

Instructional strategy

It my believe that instructions ought to be decision making processes. Effective teaching only occurs when it is context based and not when it is founded on a set of practices. My instructional methods will be constantly adjusted to reflect the kind of progress witnessed among the children. There are a series of variables that affect the decision making process during instructional preparations consequently, care must be taken to incorporate all these aspects as one proceeds with the learning process. In other words, it will inculcate the issue of students needs, their interests, abilities, strengths and also the basic framework.

Ideal classroom
My ideal classroom would be one in which I am standing at the back of the class guiding my students in performing group work or other tasks. The student will be expected to do more talking than myself so as to ensure that they understand the issues at hand.

Also, my ideal classroom would be one in which students are constantly challenged to think about the issues that they are learning. This means that they should be able to apply the instructional lessons in their daily life or at least understand how this can occur. (Hare, 2007)

Narrative of my philosophy
In other words, my philosophy is founded on the premise that all children have the right to education regardless of the degree of acceptance in society. It is also governed by the belief that students can be motivated to learn by connecting a series of external and internal stimuli. Additionally, I believe that education should be the platform that teaches children moral character. However, this should be dissociated from religious teaching. A number of universal truths such as ethics, pursuit of happiness and meeting ones needs ought to be taught in schools too. Lastly, I believe that instructions should be dynamic so as to incorporate students attitudes and thoughts.

The philosophy of education close to mine and the differences
The philosophy that closely resembles mine is the life enriching organization philosophy. According to Carl Rogers, Walter Wink, Neil Postman and most importantly Marshall RosenBerg, education should take place in an environment that resembles a life enriching organization.

RosenBerg believed that all people within the classroom or the school need to connected to one another in such a manner that they allow judgments into their lives without letting this obscure their learning process. Additionally, such people are dependent on each other and their needs are just as important as others. Consequently, such schools are not inspired by guilt and shame or fear of punishment.

This philosophy differs from my philosophy because there is more emphasis on meeting the needs of others rather one self. While this component is important in my philosophy, it does not form the basis of the philosophy. (Hare, 2007)
Risk factors and how the philosophy provided a basis for the intervention
One of the risk factors that is of interest to me is children growing up in single parent homes with little attention from the existing parent. The second category is composed of children from neighborhoods with high cases of substance, abuse, rape, robbery and other crimes.

If the child happens to be performing poorly and has record low attendance, then the first intervention would be communicating with the child. The philosophy of education is related to this aspect because it is founded upon helping the child to meet his or her needs. The second intervention would be discussing the matter with the school administration. Again, this is in line with my philosophy because it would incorporate other stakeholder sin the teaching process. The other intervention would be discussing the matter with the childs parent. This will also be in line with my philosophy because it is governed by the need to cooperate with other individuals in helping the child achieve their aspirations.

Hare, W. (2007): Why philosophy for education? International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 21, 2, 149-159
Sobocan, J. & Groarke, L. (2008): Monitoring teachers for trustworthiness; Philosophy of education Journal, 41, 2, 207-219
Russell, B. (2003): Critical thinking across the disciplines, Journal of thought, 20, 2, 40-45
Hading, P. (2000): Emphasizing open mindedness rather than relativism; Research in science teaching journal, 37, 3, 225-236
Dewey, J. and Russell, B. (1997): in search of common ground; Paideusis Journal, 10, 2, 25-31

Online Courses-SiliconIndia Education

Online courses focuses on distance training and education, SiliconIndia online course have instructional design for IT Jobs training program and Solution. If you could stop time and inexpensively bring together all of the people who need to learn and the resources to teach them, you would not need online education. In the real world, people have jobs to do and budgets are limited. Your learning program will need the power of technology to overcome the limitations of time, distance and resources. You know that people learn in many different ways and at different times. Additionally, you will need a way to develop and manage the Knowledge. SiliconIndia online courses have a strong IT Training material like (JAVA course,CCNA course,PHP course,SEO course,J2EE,.Net, My SQL,Embedded,Web developer course,SQL Server 2005,SAS course). I strongly believe this online education also brings a healthier lifestyle, It also brings confidence.

People Love Online Education

Because receiving an education is most often completed in the traditional way, a lot of people still find it a shock to discover that they are able to get an online education. We commonly think that only the more daring people would settle for this. Whether online or not, every one of us would need a college education to ensure a better future for ourselves.

Around the olden times, parents would most likely break their back in an attempt to send their kids to school. Not surprisingly, it ended up being still unattainable for some people. The price was incredibly high to send their children to college. Generally, these young people wound up with unfinished degrees.

Several parents still experience the identical situation. Circumstances permitting, plenty of parents prefer that their children work besides going to school. Thats where online education steps in. Because of this type of education, those who are able can work and study at the same time.

When there is not much time and a lot more sacrifices required, online education programs can be modified to fit the learner’s needs and time schedule. One can enjoy the daytime job and pursue his degree in the evening online.

This is also ideal for young moms who would like to pursue education even with all the obligations at home. This allows her to attain education of a higher degree without missing out on her tasks at home. Mothers would absolutely appreciate the opportunity to expand their horizons but still have the ability to enjoy her home schedule.

People consider this to be more affordable as well. There are no unnecessary fees for transportation, additional textbooks, or even day care service fees that a father or mother has to pay while in school. Online education sets you free from travel stress.

Along with its functionality, everyone loves that you can be relaxed and comfortable while you go to college and study. It really is both relaxing, and practical. Education is simply easier this way.

Some people say the effectiveness of this type of education is subjective. Nonetheless, recent reports have shown that an excellent education proves to be a better answer for someone who has to work while they go to school. This system enables them to be successful in all elements of life from work, family and finances.