What is true education

Education Is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.” Bertrand A. Russell (1872-1970) English philosopher, mathematician, and writer.

I would like to touch on the subject of education. As you are all probably getting familiar with my columns, it is not going to be a traditional viewpoint, but more of a pragmatic view.

It has come to my attention that much of education as we know it – formal schooling and the like – has fallen very short of the goal of actually educating someone as defined by the dictionary, which is to instruct or enlighten. How many of us know people who are highly “educated” and don’t have the first clue about how to treat people. Nor do they ever apply the education that they have paid tons of money to acquire. Instead, they squander it as a trophy, a title or a trinket to prove their worth.

“Education is one of the few things a person is willing to pay for and not get.” William Lowe Bryan

Education, unless directed toward our own predetermined outcomes, is a waste of time. Our school systems have become a bastion of political warfare and feel-goodism that adults are waging among themselves. We have forgotten that our children at the epicenter of the fray, especially in the minority community, are paying the price. We don’t want kids to feel upset if they get a bad grade, lose a game or have to reach inside of themselves to tap the character building point of going through a difficult test of any kind, be it a mental, spiritual, physical or moral test.

Education happens as we learn the right and wrong way to spell, add, speak, throw a ball, talk to our peers and respect our elders. We are losing all of these invaluable lessons one day at a time with the current attempt by career politicians to educate our children. The base starts with the parents – involved parents, caring parents, parents who are not afraid to look at circumstances and call the emperor’s clothes for what they are.

So what is the answer Jason? We hear complaints all the time we know the system is failing what do we do?

The answer is knowing the goal of our kids education. Currently, it is designed to teach our kids how to get a job and be good little soldiers marching to someone else’s drum. The climate has changed. How many of you reading this right now are doing what you went to school for, or even in the same profession that you were in 5 years ago?

Our times demand a new type of teaching that is based on outcome and focused on leadership – if not a leader of others, at least a leader of ourselves. Leadership does not mean waiting around for a government to take care of you. Leadership is not living at home until you are 30. Leadership is not blaming others. Leadership is not doing the least you can for the most return. Leadership is not how many beers you can drink or how we can escape the pressure of growth through modern pharmacology ( Xanax, Prozac, etc.).

The Importance Of Education

In today’s fast moving time the most important things in business is being in the business trend. As it’s necessary for keep an eye on latest technology, for that reason training and studying new stuff in the business world is actually essential.

The idea of “Investment in human potential” arises often in media, all are talking about it and virtually all believe this is one of the basic areas that an employer should provide to his staff.

Declarative, almost all organisations know the need for learning and really, how often can that actually happen? How proudly looks the actual declaration “continuous studying ensures individual and social improvement therefore the economic prosperity”? Especially if you work in a business where you have not got even 1 hour to train in the last yr.

The commonest reasons behind NOT educating staff happen when;
– The Company accomplishes its own evaluation advantage using affordable prices. Training employees for such companies is costly.
– There’s an growing rise in assistance industries.

Let us check the specific situation with the tourism industry, for example. Employers associated with the the tourism industry sectors are usually in the quest for lots of employees as they require at a certain time, and thus their own interest will be to spend them much less, therefore nor they educate or will they take trained employees.

Why is continuing education essential to anyone?
Because of a person and the company you work for. If you’re not happy with the workplace, the most typical reason is insufficient inspiration, insufficient flexibility of choice-making at work along with a perception that you simply will no longer grow in the industry sense, yet stagnating. When this happens, the one thing that’s keeping you on the job will be the continuity of salary.

These days every operating individual has an chance to continue the education without needing to leave the work or take a trip each day to college. Nearly all colleges provide their students learning as a possible possibility to lengthen their own education or perhaps better their knowledge.

The desire for any additional training is going to be confirmation of the boss that you are inspired and also dedicated worker. Seeing that employers’ survey reveals, that is exactly what you should want for!
If you decide on a new career, here are a few of the actual strong advantages of choosing a business which spends heavily for personnel learning:
– If you’re younger, formal education hasn’t prepared you for that work you do. You require more training in becoming more effective and much better on the job, to achieve your own complete potential and have the pleasure of achievement.
– In case you have plenty of years of experience, all your learning gives you a chance to stay very competitive inside labor market, boost your “value” and offers the possibility of scaling the organization hierarchy.

Parent Taught Driver Education In Texas


Taking a Texas parent taught driver education course is so much better than doing one in a classroom because you get to work on it when you want. This whole course is done online, which means that all you need is a computer that has an internet connection to work on it. You have to take a driver education course in order to take your permit exam, so it just makes sense to do it in the most fun way possible. You can customize this parent taught driver education in Texas course to fit around your schedule too, so you never have to reschedule anything in your life to make room for it.


This Texas parent taught driver education course is approved throughout the entire state by the Texas Education Agency. This approval certifies that this online course satisfies all the requirements that are necessary for you to be able to take your DMV permit exam.


We keep this Texas parent taught driver education course price so low because we want everyone to be able to take it, regardless of budget. The course price is all-inclusive too, so what you pay initially is all that you will ever be charged; there are absolutely no hidden fees. There are a variety of payment methods to choose from online too, so there is definitely something to fit everyone’s budget.


You take classes in school all week long and you always have an instructor or teacher telling you what to do and when to do it. With this Texas Drivers Ed online course you get to be in charge, which makes sense because you know your schedule and study habits better than anyone else. You get to decide when you work on the course, from where, and for how long each day, so you never have to do anything that you don’t want.


When you register for the Texas parent taught driver education course you will be asked to pick a user name and password for your account. This allows you to log in from any location you want and always be able to work on your course.


There are eight units in this Texas parent taught driver education course and you can log in and out of them as often as you want. This allows you to work on the course in multiple sessions, so you never have to feel overwhelmed or pressed for time. Your spot is automatically bookmarked for you each time you log out too, so you can just pick up right where you left off when you return.


We have a customer support team who is there to help you with any questions or issues you may have with the course. They are available 24/7 too, so there is always someone there to assist you. You can reach them by phone, email, or even live chat right from your computer!

Marketing And Sales Career Education Programs And Coursework

Marketing and sales training options teach students to develop in demand products and services. Learning about this industry can be pursued through higher education programs. Marketing and sales career education programs and coursework will teach students the skills to pursue the career they dream of.

The sales and marketing aspects of the field are combined in degree programs that develop a strong business skill set. This allows students to function inside todays increasing global market. Traditionally students that are interested in both areas work through marketing programs, which is still a viable option due to the amount of training that covers both areas. However, with this area growing in size more schools are offering students the chance to work through marketing and sales programs. Through these options students can enter training predominantly at the associates, bachelors, and masters degree level.

The latest business strategies are explored inside associates degree programs to give students an introductory skill set. Students learn about the industry by studying business, sales techniques, advertising practices, and marketing procedures. Project-based courses have students developing advertising campaigns and sales pitches. Skills gained inside training include understanding areas like consumer trends, demographics, and public relations. Students are qualified to obtain entry-level positions in any business that has a product or service to sell.

Bachelor’s degree programs incorporate a high level of focus on training students to understand marketing and the development of sales. Coursework builds the knowledge needed to make great strategic decisions. Students will be able to develop marketing and sales strategies by understanding the global aspects that are involved in most businesses. A detailed analysis is performed as students work to understand promotion design, sales management, and decision-making. Continuing education prepares students for management career opportunities inside the field.

Masters degree programs allow students to explore specific by presenting courses in communication, sales management, and strategic marketing. Students work through numerous courses that develop their ability to mange the creation and implementation of marketing and sales. The evaluation of a products or services success is a skill that is developed through advanced training. Students learn to evaluate success in regards to promotion methods, advertising techniques, and financial earnings. Students are able to enter upper-level positions inside businesses.

Common courses taken inside this area of education may include:

*Sales Management

As an industry manager professionals need to be able to hire, lead, and motivate a sales team. Different sales strategies and management techniques are explored inside this type of course.

*Customer Behavior

The consumers of products and services are studied and students learn how they make purchasing choices. Course subjects include the various theories and strategies that can impact consumer buying.

*International Marketing

The methods used when creating a global marketing strategy are explored. The cultural, economic, and political impact of strategy is examined to understand the industry’s approach for international marketing.

The educational training inside accredited marketing and sales degree programs prepares students to enter the field with the required knowledge needed for success. Different agencies like the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges can award full accreditation to schools and colleges that offer students the best quality career training. Students can complete degree programs and become marketing and sales professionals in a lucrative industry by choosing degree programs to enter.

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The Difference Between Islamic And Western Concept of Education

There is no denying the fact that among the basic and fundamental human rights of free markets, democracy, and freedom of press, the right to education stands on the top of them all. It is the primary right of every human being on the face of this planet, and the availability of this right differentiates developed nations from undeveloped nations.

It is an obvious fact that the nations who are ahead in education lead the world. At this point of time, it is the West that is ahead in the education domain thus leading the world, where as the Muslim world is lagging behind due to this very reason. The lines below discuss the difference between the Western and Muslim concept of the purpose of education.

The Western purpose of education is primarily weighed in terms of the workforce that is made available to keep the machines running and the economy booming. For West, the ultimate purpose of education is to get higher degrees and consequently to attain better jobs and thus keep the cycle of the economy running. Thus, for West education is all about economy to ensure that the nations remain economically strong and their hold on the world stays strong.

On the other hand, if the Muslim world be analyzed, there is poverty, corruption, injustice, and oppression. All these ills are there because of primarily the Muslim world being educated, however, if the situation be analyzed at a deeper level, the Muslims who do corruption, are unjust, and cause poverty among their respective nations are educated people in general, whether they are politicians, businessmen or bureaucrats. Thus in this case one ponders over the reason why education has not been able to bring any change in such people.

The dilemma of Muslim countries is that they have incorporated Western values in their system, oblivious of the fact that Islam presents the best set of values and principles. This is the reason why Muslim countries are unable to succeed both economically as well as socially. In Islam there are two main purposes of education.

The first purpose of education in Islam is to enlighten people and teach morality to them. Every form of education whether it is online Quran learning,the learning of hadith, or any worldly book must show a set or morality and ethical values. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated in one of His hadiths:

-No father has given a greater gift to his children than good moral training.- (Tirmidhi)

This hadith of Prophet (PBUH) shows that Tarbiyah or moral training is an integral part of education. If the children are provided moral training along with worldly education, then when they become politicians they will know they will know how to behave and take care of public, when they become jurists they will know how to be just and never give up to anything false. Above all, morally trained children will grow to become a productive members of the society, where they will work for the wellbeing of the society while ensuring that the members of the society all receive their right and are in best of condition.

The second purpose of education in Islam is the same as of the world today, which is to provide earning to the people, however, in gaining economic benefits from education Islam enforces the concept of earning Halal. Thus, when educating the children the parents must ensure that the children are also educated about the concept of halal and haram. Once the children have the concept of halal, they will know that they have to use their education only in the right ways to earn living. Thus, when one uses the education to earn living in the right way, there will be no corruption or exploitation and the nation will boom.

In short, the concept of the purpose of education in Islam is a bit different compared to the idea of education in West. Therefore, it is imperative for Muslim countries to ensure that they incorporate Islamic values in their education system to ensure better Muslims and better members of the society.