Internet And Network Marketing Education Max Steingart Vs. Tim Sales Review

We were recently introduced to Max Steingarts Endless Leads 4.0 Training Course by a leading internet and network marketing expert. While many are buying mlm leads or using expensive paid ads campaigns, Facebook and other social media make it easy to generate cheap mlm leads. Max’s method is refreshing, in that many online marketers and network marketers show few online “manners” and seem to have no clue about “relationship” selling. This article provides a review of what Max has to offer and its effectiveness vs. Tim Sales popular Professional Inviter training.

Max, as many know, bills himself as the Father of Social Media, due to the fact that he began using his current technique in the days of America Online. Max teaches basic skills he learned and perfected from such timeless classics as “How to Make Friends and Influence People,” first in the AOL environment and recently in social media such as Facebook and MySpace. Simply put, Maxs advice is to never expose or offer your network marketing business before a relationship exists. The focus is not on making a sale; rather if there is a sale that could be made. This is exactly parallel to what is taught in Tim Sales’ Professional Inviter to first find a prospect’s “need, want or desire” before making a “sales approach.”

So what about Maxs content? An understandable contrast is to primary mlm sales trainer Tim Sales, which makes the assessment fascinating. Though both are in network marketing, Tim has a much larger following and name recognition. After all, hes the creator of the very popular Brilliant Compensation video which makes the case for the viability of the network marketing industry. Robert Kiyosaki’s recent endorsement of the network marketing model is one of the only comparable works.

What is special about Max? On the surface, his training seems much more simplistic than the more academic approach used by Tim Sales. Perhaps this is more what is needed for true duplication of effort. In either case, specific methods, scripts, and approaches must be tailored on a case by case basis. We do think that the Max Method does truly reduce the amount of rejection encountered in the process. In Tims approach, the network marketing, or pyramid objection is addressed up front, which may actually raise it in cases where in may not have been present.

Another difference is that Maxs course is online vs. a CD set and has more extensive videos, which seem almost to be limitless. The sheer quantity of material has its advantages, although its easy to get bogged down, too!

Our favorite feature is the daily Ask Max sessions, which provide both a high repetition factor and an affordable “group” mentoring in real time. We dont know how long Max will be able to keep up this incredible pace, but we highly endorse his training for anyone that wants to learn from the innovative Father of Social Media, todays best strategies for generating cheap mlm leads. We also recommend Tim Sales training, but short of moving to Tampa and joining his team, he is much less accessible as a mentor.

Online Value Added Wholesaling Education Programs

Online value added wholesaling programs are offered for providing heights to the business development of seeking prospects. To bench-mark the presence of your business globally Value added wholesaling programs offers a wide range of beneficiaries. This result to the upgrading market for online value added wholesaling education programs that offer the entire course training with unique education programs that present finest deal to be a value added wholesaler.

Online Value Added Wholesaling Education Programs are technically oriented knowledge base that needs training via professionals. Online existence of such educational programs is increasing that is making the field more popular as the unique education quotient of Value added wholesaling is making it more flourishing and acquired education field.

What is The Need of Wholesaler For effective Business Development & Profit Seeking?

Business holder encounters range of competence and rivalry for making an effective position in market. Wholesalers hold a very essential position that builds a strong foundation for effective approach for business development and advancement.

In general various retailers purchase the products in quiet smaller quantity that is delivered by the Wholesalers. This makes the role of Wholesaler very significant as they act as third party for dual party beneficiaries that is for manufacturers and retailers as well. To meet the level of growing competition it is essential for wholesaler to offer value added services for wholesaling that can build a strong business foundation for them.
1. Areas Covered By Wholesalers for making business beneficially developing with pacing speed:

2. Major role in enhancing sales effectiveness that is managed via well planned training programs

3. Empowerment of effective leadership of business existence of patrons, that marks a lead position of business in the market globally

4. Professional knowledge expansion, as these wholesaler education enable the finest of training via experts that results innovation and time cost savvy solutions for business advancement

5. Enrichment of patrons experience with unique and knowledgeable service assistance with beneficial business solutions.

Online Value Added Wholesaling Education programs wide range of varied fields for appropriate training and education. Underneath mentioned are certain fields that are included in Value added wholesaling education programs to procure the finest education via professionals:

1. Online Learning Programs

2. Certification Programs

3. Sales effectiveness Strategies

4. Message Development

5. Wholesaler training and more.

Above mentioned criteria meets the requirement of Wholesaling education tat make through for the basics and essentials of Wholesaling. Along with certain Value added education is offered via dedicated professional education programs that can male your existence unique and different from rest other of same field:

1. Client retention approach & case study

2. Six star client experience professionalism

3. Leadership coaching and Pipeline management

4. Presentation training & Competency development and more.

Benefits of acquiring online value added wholesaling education programs for career prospects:

1. Professional training and well built education programs

2. Environmental competence for furnishing quality standards

3. Value added education for beneficial approach to stand as a lead Wholesaler

4. Appropriate and well planned education programs for the systematic approach to all segments of value added wholesaling education programs

5. Frequent presentation and quality analysis, case study for individual centric development of education prospects

6. Development of leadership quality at par excellence to stand as bench-mark

On conclusion it can be clearly extracted that online value added wholesaling education programs opens the global fields for the prospects looking for unique and demanding education field. Online education programs are presented via professional experts that hold the finest of education pattern and training that assures the flourishing future aspects in the field of Wholesaler degree.

The Quality Of Philippine Education In The New Millennium

Philippine education is strongly viewed as a pillar of national development and a primary avenue for social and economic mobility. It has undergone several stages of development from the pre-Spanish time to the present. It is handled by three government organizations, namely, the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports (DECS), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The DECS govern both public and private education in all levels, with its mission to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all by the foundation for lifelong learning and service for the common good.

The Filipino people have deep concern for education because it occupies a central place in political, economical, social, and cultural life in the Philippines. The government allocates a high budget every year for Philippine education and guarantees that every Filipino has the right to quality education. However, there are some important issues that needs to be looked closely and resolved by the government. Among the issues are:

Quality of Education This is the first major issue that the Philippine government should resolve but somehow it is recently improving. The quality of Philippine education has declined few years ago due to poor results from standard entrance tests conducted among elementary and secondary students, as well as the tertiary levels. The results were way below the target mean score. High dropout rates, high number of repeaters, low passing grades, lack of particular language skills, failure to adequately respond and address the needs of people with special needs, overcrowded classrooms, and poor teacher performances, have greatly affected the quality of education in the Philippines.

Affordability There is a big disparity in educational achievements across social groups. Students from wealthy families have excellent educational background gained from exclusive private schools at the start of their education until they finish college. Unlike the students from the less fortunate families, wherein most of them could not even finish elementary nor secondary level because of poverty. They could barely afford to buy school shoes and pencils, not even the tiny amount of tuition fees from the public schools.

Budget The government was mandated by the Philippine Constitution to allocate the highest proportion of its budget to education. However, among the ASEAN countries, the Philippines still has one of the lowest budget allocations to education. This is due to some mainstream political issues and humungous problems that the government is facing specially corruption.

Mismatch There is a large proportion of mismatch between training and actual jobs. This issue arises at the tertiary level and causes a large group of unemployed and underemployed. This is very true nowadays because of the arising BPO industries particularly the call center companies. Hundreds of thousands of young professionals, graduates or undergraduates from college level settled at this type of company because of the attractive compensation that they are offering. Call center companies do not require a specific degree of education, what matters to them is the proficiency in the English language.

There are some measures that the Philippine government has looked into for the reformation of quality education. Technology use is starting to gain momentum in the overall education of this country. This helped improve the quality of education in the Philippines and to be globally competitive in this millennium.

Award Winning Author Yasmin Shiraz’s New Website Boasts Education Tools for Teachers

Author Re-launches Website to Serve Youth Educators Award Winning Author Yasmin Shiraz’s new site boasts teaching tools for teachers

Washington, DC – October 17, 2013 – After years of working with teachers, librarians, community leaders and youth, Yasmin Shiraz is pleased to announce the re-launch of her site which features new tools to help educators who are looking for innovative ways to reach youth ages 12 – 18.

The new site offers organized, timely articles, tips, and resources that deal with specific issues such as Youth Violence, Self-Esteem, Drug Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Suicide, LGBT Discrimination, HIV/AIDS, Incarceration, Bullying, Girl Fighting, Teen Dating, and Domestic Violence. “I realized that everyone who works in education is often looking for ways to connect with youth in an innovative way. I decided to create a site that has video, articles, and information that will make their work easier,” said Shiraz. The most popular topics are highlighted on the right hand of the site.

One key area on is the Say It Aint So section which is a collection of articles that deal with various real life issues that occur throughout the US and the world. This section helps give educators ideas on how to engage youth on various topics. This section was recently updated with the article, “Explaining the DC Naval Shooter to Youth,” as well as the article “Former Disney Star Commits Suicide.” In addition to being solution oriented, this section keeps educators abreast on hot topics among youth.

Another key area on the site is the Better Habits section which is a collection of articles that provide personal testimonies, solutions and ideas for creating better ways to live, study, communicate, problem solve, etc. This section focuses on personal experiences that can bring about successful and positive change.

The redesign of was based on Shiraz’s books and workshops, feedback from readers and engagement with educators throughout the world. The site will continue to be expanded to aid educators in their quest to reach this generation of young people.

About Yasmin Shiraz She is a best selling and award winning author of seven books, including Retaliation: A Novel which was a Top Ten Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers by the American Library Association as well as the critically acclaimed, The Blueprint for My Girls. As an empowerment speaker and youth activist, she has spoken at over 100 colleges and universities as well as organizations such as Planned Parenthood, The Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and Girls Inc. to name a few. She is a trained sociologist having received her Bachelors of Arts in Sociology from Hampton University and her Masters of Arts in Sociology from Morehead State University.


History Of Education In India

Up to the 17th century
The first millennium and the few centuries preceding it saw the flourishing of higher education at Nalanda, Takshila, Ujjain, & Vikramshila Universities. Art, Architecture, Painting, Logic, Grammar, Philosophy, Astronomy, Literature, Buddhism, Hinduism, Arthashastra (Economics & Politics), Law, and Medicine were among the subjects taught and each university specialized in a particular field of study. Takshila specialized in the study of medicine, while Ujjain laid emphasis on astronomy. Nalanda, being the biggest centre, handled all branches of knowledge, and housed up to 10,000 students at its peak.
Education under British Rule
British records show that indigenous education was widespread in the 18th century, with a school for every temple, mosque or village in most regions of the country. The subjects taught included Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Theology, Law, Astronomy, Metaphysics, Ethics, Medical Science and Religion. The schools were attended by students representative of all classes of society.
The current system of education, with its western style and content, was introduced & funded by the British in the 20th century, following recommendations by Macaulay. Traditional structures were not recognized by the British govt and have been on the decline since. Gandhi is said to have described the traditional educational system as a beautiful tree that was destroyed during the British rule.
After Independence
After independence, education became the responsibility of the states. The Central Government’s only obligation was to co-ordinate in technical and higher education and specify standards. This continued till 1976, when the education became a joint responsibility of the state and the Centre.
After 1976
In 1976, education was made a joint responsibility of the states and the Centre, through a consititutional amendment. The center is represented by Ministry of Human Resource Development’s Deparment of Education and together with the states, it is jointly responsible for the formulation of education policy and planning.
NPE 1986 and revised PoA 1992 envisioned that free and compulsory education should be provided for all children up to 14 years of age before the commencement of 21st century. Government of India made a commitment that by 2000, 6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be spent on education, out of which half would be spent on the Primary education.
In November 1998, Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee announced setting up of Vidya Vahini Network to link up universities, UGC and CSIR.
Education in India – Recent Developments
The Indian Education System is generally marks-based. However, some experiments have been made to do away with the marks-based system which has lead to cases of depression and suicides among students. In 2005, the Kerala government introduced a grades-based system in the hope that it will help students to move away from the cut-throat competition and rote-learning and will be able to focus on creative aspects and personality development as well.

India is a developing nation and it has been expanding is every fields. Education saw an essential change gradually after Independence. Development of Education in India brought about a transformation and the concept of education got modified. Literacy rate has increased from around three percent in 1880 to around sixty five percent in 2001. All levels of education in India, from primary to higher education portray a challenge. India got well-known educational institutions such as the IITs, IISc, IIMs, NITs,AIIMS, ISI, JU, BITS, and ISB. The higher education system of India is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States.

Development of education in India regards that free and compulsory education should be provided to all children up to fourteen years of age before the commencement of 21st century. Moreover, the 86th Amendment of the Indian constitution makes education a fundamental right for all children aged 6-14 years. Education travelled a long way and thus Indian education system introduced certain advantageous system such as Online education In India. Online education is a system of education training which is delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote locations. The Online courses may not be delivered in a synchronous manner. Online education enables the students to opt for many online degrees or online courses from various online universities. Thus online education encompasses various degrees and courses. This course has various advantages, as pursuing an online course can be done simultaneously with one’s present occupation. Moreover, an online degree assists in increasing the career prospects

Non-formal education in India has become part of the international discourse on education policy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Non formal education refers to the learning process throughout life. In addition to that non-formal education is about acknowledging the importance of education, learning and training which takes place outside recognized educational institutions. There are four characteristics associated with non formal education system. This system is a proof for the Development of education in India as this system helps to focus on clearly defined purposes

Indian education has different phases. Students are provided with extensive scope and courses to choose from. One enjoys the opportunity of selecting the required field. The system of Distant Education in India is becoming increasingly popular. The students choosing distance learning process are benefited with the modern pattern followed. The availability of distance learning courses has assured that a person can pursue education from any state or university accordingly. Development of education in India ensures that all Indian citizens will receive education in spite of financial constrains or unavailability of colleges and schools.

University Education
This massive system of higher education in India constitutes of 342 universities (211 State, 18 Central, 95 deemed universities) 13 institutes of national importance, 17,000 colleges and 887 polytechnics. University Grant Commission (UGC), a national body, coordinates and looks after the maintenance of standard of university education in India. The university education in India starts with undergraduate courses. Depending upon the nature of course pursued its duration may vary from three to five and a half years.