Research in Education Essay

Nowadays, diverse education is getting to be extremely important and, in this respect, art should play a significant role. Nonetheless, art, being a constituent element of ethical education of students, are still not very successfully taught in schools. For instance, music education is nowadays practically in decline and there are various factors that deteriorates the current situation, including problems with professionalism, time management, teacher and student relations, preparation of young teachers, and implementation of new technologies and techniques in the teaching process.

First of all, it is necessary to point out that at the present moment the professional level of specialists teaching music in schools is widely discussed and criticized. In recent years the music coordinators have been viewed as a panacea from all problems modern schools and music education have. However, their role remains unclear and the effectiveness of their work is still quite low. Stuart Button and Allison Potter explain such a situation by a number of problems, main of which concern the coordination of work of music coordinator and head teachers as well as the current curriculum. To put it more precisely, often teachers are very skeptical about the pedagogic professionalism of music coordinators while the latter do not appreciate the professionalism of teachers in the field of art, namely music. It is obvious that the cooperation between them remains quite low and the role of curriculum is also very important since it is not coordinated by music coordinators and head teachers. As a result, the efforts of both parties remain ineffective.

However, the main problem probably is that “not all schools are fully exploiting the potential of the music coordinator” . Obviously, the use of their potential would contribute to more successful music education since they are real professionals in music. This is why it is only necessary to combine the pedagogic skills and experience of head teachers with music skills and experience of music coordinators. In this respect, the partnership teaching seems to be the most efficient strategy leading to the positive results.

Nonetheless, there is also the problem of the preparation of future professionals since it is necessary to constantly support the progress of music education that needs employment of new professionals, including young teachers. Naturally, this implies that the new professionals need special training and preparation to be qualified to teach music effectively. Not surprisingly, music professionals teaching music underline that “new music educators need and deserve our support” and they insist that mentoring should be widely applied as a means of professional growth of new music educators since “mentoring certainly holds promise and mentoring programs that offer such support are growing across the country” . In such a situation, it is really important that more experienced professionals could help their younger colleagues to keep growing professionally that will guarantee the further progress of music education and high level of professional education.

In such a way, the professionalism and training of new professional educators of music are among the most important factors that can contribute to the better teaching of music and art at large. Nonetheless, it is also necessary to take into consideration the problem of teachers and students relations since teaching music as well as teaching in general is a two-sided process. Consequently, it implies that teachers and music coordinators managed to develop productive relations with students that can make education really effective.
Specialists recommend that teachers focused on their students need and interests and, at the same time, stimulate constantly their progress, develop their personality at all levels. To put it more precisely, Robert Duke recommends to teachers to build such relations with students and create such a curriculum that “every time your own students leave the studio, ask your self what physical, intellectual and artistic habits theyre developing in your presence every week” .

Unfortunately, often neither teachers nor students have enough time to improve their skills and abilities in music. In fact, students often turn in a very difficult position when they simply do not have time for rehearsal and the role of teachers in this problem should not be underestimated. For instance, Joseph Manfredo underlines that “the single greatest factor that affects rehearsal success is pacing the teachers ability to effectively manage time during the teaching period” . Moreover, he even provides a typical rehearsal that may be used by teachers that includes: setup for teachers and students, tuning, warm-up, rehearsal of performance literature, sight-reading and other comprehensive musicianship activities, announcements, ending or teardown.

Finally, it should be said that the effect5ive time management, good teacher-students relations, and high professionalism are not sufficient nowadays since the technological progress creates new demands for teaching music. In this respect, the role of distance learning is constantly growing and forces teachers to use this way of teaching more and more often. In this respect, it is worthy of mention that specialists agree that “the rapid development, availability and marketing of online educational opportunities will almost certainly accelerate the development of distance learning in music education” . This is why this trend should into consideration and the established models of education should be modernized and adapted to the new conditions. Moreover, this also needs the development of new infrastructure and wide implementation of computers, IT and Internet in the educational process. However, it is necessary to remember that “educational values, excellence, and learning should always take precedence over visions of convenience and innovation for the sake of innovation” .

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the current development of music education is insufficient for really effective learning. The latter should be based on highly professional approach and carefully planned and coordinated curriculum which would be characterized by highly effective time management. Obviously, the realization of such a strategy implies the necessity of employment of professionals such as music coordinators in the teaching process and their cooperation with head teachers. At the same time, it is also necessary to remember about technological progress which achievements should be possibly implemented into music teaching without harming the quality of education at large.

Math Resources That Benefit Your Child’s Christian Education

Heres an educational statistic that might make you question the Christian education resources used for math in your childs school. According to a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) March 2008, CRS Report for Congress, the U.S. currently ranks 28th internationally in math literacy among 15-year-old students. Once considered a leader in education, America now faces the startling truth that a large majority of its secondary school students are failing to reach proficiency in mathematics.

With so many Christian education resources at our disposal, it seems mind boggling that Americas math students rank poorly compared to children living in Japan, China, or India. Obviously, in order to compete on a global scale, todays math curriculum requires students to learn algebra, geometry, measurements, and statistic problems even in the elementary grades. In fact, by the time a child is in eighth grade, he should have mastered the basics of algebra and geometry to be ready for advanced mathematics in high school. To instill a love for math, develop problem-solving skills, and prepare a child for future success in math, both educators and parents need to be involved in teaching children. So, what Christian education resources and activities can parents use to improve their elementary childs math skills and overall performance? Consider the following ideas:

At Home
Grab the apron and teach fractional concepts by asking your child to compare, estimate, and think about measurements when cooking. Ask thought provoking questions such as, How many whole cups will this container hold? How many cups or S cups? How many cups equal a cup? How many cups would equal cup or a whole cup? How much would we need to use if we doubled this recipe?

Discover relationships between money values as you pay your child for chores or give him an allowance. Instead of using math worksheets, have your child gather coins in his hand without showing you what they are. Start with small amounts, and ask your child to tell you the number of coins and their total value. Then, you have to guess how many and which coins your child has in his hand. Another variation would include having your child count the different ways he could use coins to make 10, 20, or 50.

Set up your own weather station or use the newspaper to graph and chart daily temperatures and rainfall amounts. After a few weeks, teach your child basic arithmetic by finding the average temperature (mean), the temperature that occurred most often (mode), and the temperature that was in the middle of all the amounts (median).

Clean out the kitchen junk drawer and use the treasures to teach your child how to sort and classify. Plus, you can practice using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve story problems. For example, If we share 13 screws among three friends, how many will each get? Will they all get equal amounts? If Dad has three broken doors that need to be fixed using four screws each, will we have enough screws?

At the Grocery Store
Make shopping for groceries another math learning experience. Use the sale advertisements sent in the mail as one of your Christian education resources, and have your child practice budgeting by preparing a shopping list that doesnt exceed your daily or weekly food budget.

Have your child learn estimation by comparison shopping. Ask him to mentally divide and multiply as he calculates the best buy by determining pricing per unit verses pricing per pound. You can also estimate the total value of the items in the cart before checking out and then compare the estimate to the actual price.

Encourage your child to count and weigh fruits and vegetables. You might even want to illustrate the difference between English and metric units. How does a kilogram of potatoes compare to a pound? How many grams does a banana weigh?

Teach your child how to sort and group similar objects. When bagging groceries, have your child sort items according to boxes, cans, or plastic bottles, and put them into different sacks.

In the Car
Teach your child how to read math. Instead of playing the regular state license plate game while traveling, have your child read only the numbers of the license plates. For example, if the license plate was 398M129, the number would be read three hundred ninety-eight thousand one hundred twenty-nine. You can also encourage mental math by having your child add the value of the digits in the license plate number. Talk about how numbers can be added more quickly by combining them into groups that equal ten, such as 1 + 9, 3 + 7, or 4 + 6.

Talk math by practicing the words and language of mathematics. Have your child make a chart on long trips for one of your Christian education resources and track the number words one through fifty that he sees on cars, signs, or buildings.

Illustrate time, rate, and distance story problems when traveling to Grandmas house. If you leave home at 7:00 a.m. and it takes eight hours to get there, what time will it be when you can give Grandma a big hug? If the speed limit is 55 mph instead of 75 mph, how far can you go in one hour or two hours?

Teach estimation and rounding by using the cost of gas. For instance, if we only have $100 to spend on gasoline and gas costs $1.78 per gallon, how many gallons can we purchase? A quick way to find the answer would be to round up to $2.00 per gallon and divide into $100.

Math is everywhere, and while there are countless opportunities to help children experience it, only the parents who are actively involved in their childs learning will change the alarming decline in Americas math abilities. Dont undermine your childs interest in math with statements like math is hard or I wasnt good at math either. Instead, reinforce your childs academic success with a positive attitude, high expectations, and a belief that your child can learn any challenging math lesson.

Essay On Technical Education In India

Education in a college falls, roughly in either of two categories the world over. A liberal education implies training in the fine arts, the humanities, cultural patterns and behavior, and aims at developing a man’s personality. Technical education, on the other hand, aims primarily at equipping a man for work in the practical sense of getting him fit for a job.
The liberal adult education, the origin, is older than the technical training. Therefore, it is more popular than technical training. With the advantage concrete industrialization of the West, we understand the importance of technical education. The industrial revolution brought about great change in the sight of men edu cation. The growing use of forced us to feel the need for technical training. All countries of the world, without exception, have begun to provide specialized training for their young.
Before the advent of industrialization, education was the privilege of the upper class. Technical education has given a new dignity and status to the labor class and lower class. New technical education is looked upon as important and dignified as liberal education. The old myth that mental work is superior to physical work has been exploded. Technical education makes a man capable of diving deep into the realities of life and presents before him a true picture of life. Liberally educated persons are good talkers, debaters and dreamers. They can never work together with unity and solidarity. Manual workers often show more union, organization and solidarity.
There are countless benefits of technical education. That allows a man to solve the problem of bread and butter. An educated man cally technology can never fall victim of unemployment and suffering. Graduates are wandering here and there lessly to a technician, but rarely without a job.
More than that, however, it trains him in a specialized branch of knowledge. In India, especially, where there is dire need of technicians and scientists, technical education can come in much more useful than vocational education, which stops at readying a person for a job. Technical education thus covers a wider field than vocational.
Our schools have achieved indisch pline and illegality, because they allow this type of school students, which often prove useful to students later in their life. The result is that the same students during the pre-school frustrated and have no interest in learning the creative class taught their rooms. No sane person can not be denied that India is woefully behind techno formation CAL. And ‘the main reason for our low standard of living. India is short of doctors, engineers and skilled workers to serve the companies and factories to run at a profit. Large projects sometimes fail with the shortage of technical hands. The current Indian educational set up with the British, and the aim is to produce officers and white-collar “Baboos” that might be useful to go to Administrative Tools.
So this system is Funda mental defective, and require a complete reorientation to face the challenges of a changing India.
Almost all educationists are convinced that, for a country, with a little more than ten percent literacy, purely technical form of education is not likely to be of great help. The crying need is literacy. Technical education is only likely to succeed when a large part of the nation has become sufficiently literate. It is an excellent thing to train a carpenter’s son in the latest development of his trade, but it is ridiculous to expect him to become a first rate electrical engineer unless he has gone through a primary course in liberal education. It is, therefore, not wise to put liberal and technical educations in water-tight compartments. The proper policy would be to stress liberal education in the early stage, say till Matriculation, and then commence with the main course of technical education basing the student’s choice of scientific research on aptitude and inclination.
Technical education is not without flaws. It makes a man strong and materialistic in Outlook and makes it unsuitable for the appreciation of art, music and literature. An employee of the highly specialized branch of industry is of no use in another. It is necessary to perfect life that man must learn to earn a living and learn the art of living at the same time.
We must also be careful not to be too thorough-going. While stressing the importance of technical education, we must always keep in mind that the best education, the education that goes most towards developing decency and culture, is still liberal. What all educational institutions must keep in mind is the all round man; the purpose of all kinds of education is simply to round off a man’s nature, to polish it and give him a chance of perfecting it. Technical education must always be aware of the higher end; and so long as it keeps it in view, it is bound to be of immense help in the building of our country’s future.
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Federal Education Loan Consolidation

One of the ways that you can probably get rid of your Federal school loans is through student loan consolidation. Education loan cancellation applications are often known as forgiveness or release plans, and are for sale to Federal education loan consumers. Regulation requires that you be qualified for Federal student loan cancellation; nonetheless you will find very particular conditions that need to be achieved to quality.

Fulltime instructors who work at a small-earnings major or supplementary school for at least several straight years may possibly qualify for education loan consolidation. If you borrow from PLUS Loans, you may not qualify for student loan consolidation, an exception to this is. You have to additionally be a fresh borrower.

If your loan was certified incorrectly because of identity theft, or if your school forged your signature on your promissory note, other reasons why you could qualify for student consolidation services are is your school you were enrolled with closed before completing your program.

Handicaps may also be eligible you for financial loan cancellation. Statement through your doctor saying you are fully handicapped after your loan was offered out is needed to be entitled to cancellation as a result of disability.

Individual bankruptcy could cause your loan to become cancelled. For your financial loan to become cancelled because of personal bankruptcy resistant that paying back the loan would result in unnecessary hardship must be provided to the individual bankruptcy courtroom.

Decide on cancellation programs may lead to tax outcomes. By cancelling your loan based off of a job or school related incident, taxable consequences should not result from the consolidation. You may be exempt from having to bay the taxes consequent from consolidation programs, by claiming insolvency status using I.R.S Form 982.

Consolidating your personal loans into one particular financial loan might be valuable, as much locate it simpler to make one particular monthly payment as opposed to a number of independent payments for every financial loan. Education loan assist courses can help you choose the best selections for you when paying back or cancelling your school loans.

It is important that you do not sit around and let your student loan debt pile up with the intention of using a forgiveness program to wipe them clean, as they are not guaranteed, but student loan forgiveness programs may greatly help you. With the aid of education loan forgiveness applications you can find yourself on the way to paying off your student education loans in your own pace. For additional beneficial information and tips on paying back your student loans verify back again commonly on our blog.

How To Improve Rural Education In India

Indian literacy rate in the year 2011 census was 74.04 Government of India has taken several measures to improve the literacy rate in villages and towns of India. State Governments has been directed to ensure and improve literacy rate in districts and villages where people are very poor. There has been a good improvement in literacy rate of India in last 10 years but there is still a long way to go.

Many children living in rural areas receive a level of education which is very poor. But City areas level of education is very good.
To compare with city education and rural education:
“There are many schools in cities and towns but there are very few schools in villages and the rural areas.

“Transportation facilities like bus pick and in city schools where as children in rural areas have to walk miles to reach their schools.

“Basic amenities like no drinking water in provided in some of the schools in villages.

“Level of education in City schools is far advanced as compared to the basic level taught in rural schools.

“Computer facility is there city areas but no computer facility in villages.

“Group classes are taken by using video conferencing and audio conferencing in City schools where as no such facilities are provided for students in rural schools.

“The teachers are given tools like laptops, printers to provide notes and other important notices to the children in city schools while there are no such facilities in the rural schools.

“School infrastructure in case of cities areas is much more advanced as compared to that in schools in rural areas where some times children are even made to sit on the floor due to non-availability of furniture.

” School education in city areas is more advanced especially since there is a lot of computer aided teaching.
“Apart from the course curriculum rural schools are not able to involve children in other activities like sports, co-curricular activities and competitions. Such events and activities tend help in the over all development of the children.

Government of several measures India has taken to improve the education in villages and towns of India. But some step to improve rural side education.
List of Steps taken by Government of India to improve rural areas side education in India:

Step1: To provide free standard education to rural children.
Step2: Supporting children for higher education.
Step3: Guiding and Supporting Research scholars in Educational Development.
Step4: Implementing new teaching methodologies and Assessment system.
Step5: Promoting all schools to stress free environment.
Step6: Free education programs to poor people living in villages.
Step7: To provide Free Internet facility.
Step8: In our schools in rural side monthly once arrange seminar on any one topic example how to develop our communication?
Step9: In rural side must to teach spoken English. Because in this world English is very important. Most of the country speaking in English so rural side the government takes the step to provide free spoken English.
Step10: Maintain rank card system. Giving gift to top ranking students.
Step11: Extra caring to teach the poor students.
Step12: Yearly twice arranges the industrial visit.
Step13: Arrange the bus facility.
Step14: Maintain uniform education for all states. The Government of Tamil Nadu has been implemented the Common School System is called “Samacheer Kalvi” or Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable education system. This is very good System. This System purpose is to make same quality syllabus which can stop discrimination based on economy, caste, religion and background for all school boards in Tamil Nadu. If we will have uniform education system in the states poor children can get more advantages of better education.