Termwiki And Higher Education

There are several reasons why collaborative learning in higher education deserves more attention than it is getting. The benefits of are numerous, with facilitating creativity, knowledge sharing and teamwork just a few of the gains. The single biggest challenge, however, has been a lack of effective technologies that will seamlessly manage the entire process through and throughthat is, until recently.

The wiki technology has fundamentally changed the concept of collaborative learning. Wikis are websites that allow users to create and edit pages easily and directly. One of the most well-known sites abiding to wiki technology is Wikipedia. With over 3 million English articles to date and over 17 million in 270 languages, Wikipedia has proven its collaborative learning success, driving the frontline of wiki technologies. But success does not come without learning points.

Not even a year old, TermWiki.com is the language industrys first collaborative social learning portal, taking Wikipedia a step further to merge wiki technology with social networking characteristics. Instead of accessing large amounts of information in article format, as on Wikipedia, TermWiki allows users access to concise and accurate definitions and translations, while also featuring images, news article links, and videos that pertain to the term. Simply put, an all-in-one package that provides various modes of media and learning techniques, all within one space.

With over 800,000 terms, TermWikis online community version is an excellent platform for students of all studies to work with. The technology behind TermWiki supports industry/category-specific learning. This can be especially helpful for students utilizing, for example, the trigonometry or calculus glossaries, with formulas and graphs available alongside each term and definition. TermWiki is something all individuals (professors and students) as well as whole departments and classrooms can use to create or upload terminologies by subject domain.

As people learn to adapt their decisions to todays economic climate and as the focus on globalization increases, it is no wonder language-based studies are gathering speed in higher education institutions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that translation and interpretation jobs will increase by 22 percent between 2008 and 2018. The US News and World Report also supports this: translation and interpretation jobs are among their 50 Best Careers of 2011.

Particular to translation studies, accurate multilingual terminology translations are critical as the same term can mean completely different things in life sciences, automotive manufacturing or sports. With its well organized multilingual terms classified by subjects and industries, TermWiki promises to change the way terminologies are translated; it also provides a good place for students to learn a foreign language.

In the eyes of professors and instructors, TermWiki is an excellent hands-on tool, which demonstrates common applications consistently used throughout the translation process.
Since its launch, TermWiki has added a number of very practical features such as My Glossary, which allows users to import, export, share, and collaboratively edit whole glossaries.

Due to its collaborative and wiki nature, the content quality relies heavily on users. This provides students with opportunities to improve efficiency in editing, training them to become more detailed-oriented, and teaching them to work with others to produce the best and most accurate results. TermWiki also drives ambition and motivation by its voluntary collaborative nature. contributions not only help the users learn, but by contributing, users are able to feel a sense of ownership in their contributions and value in their work. Every term and definition or translation that a user inputs includes a user contribution box, which not only supports ownership with the name stamp, but also creates an open tracking system. Users are able to see the history of each contribution, including who, when, and what the contribution was.

With particular regard to translation studies, this feature will prepare student translators for the marketing and networking aspects of a translation career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 26% of all translators and interpreters are self-employed. That is over one-fourth of total translators and interpreters. Proz.com, an online networking community of translators, cites over 300,000 freelancers registered. On TermWiki, with every name stamp displayed on each pages user contribution box, students will be able to begin having a presence in the translation world, getting a head start on their careers.

Another important function of wikis is that the resulting term and definition depositories can then be used by future students to learn about various subjects and continuously expand, improve and share knowledge. More importantly, these students can improve upon already existing information to make collaborative learning an evolving process.

Pros And Cons Of Educational Institutions With Or Without P.e. Uniforms

Right to an education is each childs right which a parent must not neglect. Public educational facilities gives their students the selection about what to wear when going to school. In spite of this, this liberty may open doors to several matters with reference to clothes. Teenagers, in this day and age, tend to judge others through the garments they wear. This can turn into a personal matter and it could also turn out to be fairly expensive. Some wants to dress in the costliest outfit that they want to get them the attention they long for for. Then there are people that dont like to go to the class as their sweats are not up to par with the more expensive ones.

Some public school and most private schools have tried to assuage this matter by means of making things a bit simpler. Every after P.E. class, pupils become sweaty because of rigorous activities done during class that is why wearing of P.E. uniforms is ordered. One of the many benefit is the cost of the uniform. A P.E. uniform can be used throughout the school year and they’re comparatively cheap. It is a whole lot inexpensive than buying many sets of trendy and pricey sweat clothes. There are least cases of social discrimination for the reason that one cant pay for expensive clothes. The act of compulsory P.E. uniforms amongst pupils makes them feel equal since you can find no cheap or classy clothing involved. This will control the speculations on who has the most expensive or cheapest sweats.

Third benefit is that the attire is more convenient for the parents. The uniforms are easily identifiable and they may launder them way in advance of the days that they’re supposed to be worn. Since it is not worn daily, there isn’t a need to stress regarding searching for the appropriate sweats their children could use. Fourth advantage is that the uniforms could be simply stowed inside a bag and brought home to launder.The wear and tear of daily outfits is easier with the uniforms. P.E. uniforms are affordable and comfy. They are also commonly colored light to make it cooler especially during hot months. The schools also promote cheerleading uniforms like Spirit Wear as they are incredibly practical, appealing and easy to maintain.

Expanding education- Technology to review education

Dear readers, this is not my regular work of technology or tech news review. Consider it a highly imagined piece where realistic assumptions are made with collective goodwill to expand the education base. What and how are decided once we are willing to understand the power that digital world gives us in improving life in large scale and have that illusive peaceful sleep. Technology no doubt is going through too many disruptions where there is innovation and mainly more so in the internet world but there is more scope.

First the opportunities. With Skype being downloaded wholesale it is already time for this app to work to deliver online classes. Even in some parts there are classes where international professionals are taking voluntary classes for economically backward masses. The main communication system here is definitely vernacular so that you do not need to teach them anything added for language in priority. Language can move forward with other subjects simultaneously. Once this is implemented it is better as the students will learn more practical oriented education rather than the conventional knowledge and attention challenging theories from these professionals. A very significant role is played by games if they are designed properly in online education.

Why games? This is a sort of entertainment and children will be more attentive to them. So even complex ideas can be easily executed and delivered once you have their full attention. Similarly to test their level of education it is better to use games as there also they will welcome the challenges of the games more than the conventional tests. This way there can be smooth early education for children and then comes the part of monitoring and designing fitting course curriculum. There lie our toughest challenges.

To monitor very individual and find their suitable vocations will need keen evaluation of their progress and at no point we can abandon those students. It is better to remember that most of these students are first generation of learners and they will have difficulty to grasp the education process. So we will have to suite the education to their liking. It is not that tough. We need to keep analysing our every move and monitor their effects.

If the prospects are understood more companies will come up with newer apps for these purposes, they will definitely do once they understand the enormity of their work. What will it give? Reduce education costs and the subsidies used in it. This is where you can save lot of money for other developmental work. This free money can even be used for building infrastructure of education these students will need and spread the process of education worldwide.

There will be difficulties. As the complexity of subjects increase more students will try the escape route. They will desert midway. It is for us to make them understand the impact difference of education can have in their life. Once we can do that we can move to keep them for longer time. Still some will desert. This is natural even in schools and there will come another technology to disturb our status quo of education completely. Till then we can work on our existing ideas.

Pros And Cons Of Overseas Education

Today, studying abroad for various study program have become a trend among Indian students and. every year thousands of Indian students apply in various Universities abroad. Universities in US and UK receive high numbers of Indian applicants for their various regular and vocational courses. Overseas education is indeed a big breakthrough in someones career and promises him/her many wonderful career opportunities ahead. Today, overseas education is not limited among the people of higher status and elite class but many middle class families across India and other countries of the world are also sending their children for overseas education for a bright future and well paid job.

There are various advantages of studying abroad; the first one is concerned with academics. You would find wide spectrum of courses in a foreign university with excellent education system and infrastructure. They use modern technique of teaching applications with highly qualified and proficient faculty.

The safe and sound environment of the university makes you very feel comfortable to get adjusted in a foreign land. You also get incredible chance to meet students of different nationalities and religions. It gives you plenty of exposure and knowledge about various cultures and creed. The exposure you receive from studying abroad would be very helpful in your career building and life. Pursuing education from a prestigious foreign university opens the doors of countless job opportunities for you. You are being offered a high paid job, respectable position and many other perks

Studying in foreign land also makes you proficient in the language of the country. For instance, if you are seeking overseas education from UK, US or New-Zealand where official language is English, you would be able to learn the language and gradually become a Master in English. Studying abroad also gives you wonderful opportunities to travel to other neighboring countries which would give you plenty of exposure and knowledge. You have a global network of social contacts by studying abroad.

Overseas education also gives you opportunity to work at your spare time thus, you get work experience as well and for some companies work experience is also an important requirement before recruiting the candidate. Studying abroad helps students to become more mature, confident and resilient and all such qualities are counted at their workplace.

However, everything has a flipside as well and overseas education also comes with certain demerits. Though overseas education promises you great future and rewarding jobs but it is very expensive for a middle class family to send their children for a higher education in US, UK etc. Most of these families take loans or other financial aids to sponsor the education.

For Bright Future Contact Overseas Education Consultants

Education is very vital for an individuals achievement in life. Education provides understanding skill, teaching skills which prepare us mentally, physically and socially for the world of work in future life. Education provides us the foundation of society which brings financial growth, wealth, social growth, and political stability. Higher education helps in keeping a strong humanity which prepares health care experts, knowledgeable health care customers and maintaining healthy populace. Education is the major feature of every society for its development from every angle.

Considering the immense growth education field many people are becoming education consultant. What do these Education consultants or School Consultant does? They work directly with parents and learners/students help them to choose the best option possible for their childs personal, mental, and future educational success. These educational consultant or school consultants provides you the knowledge of different options of education, schools and various opportunities to you, which will help you to decide which program or school you can choose for your childs better growth. In order to make successful appointment, they always interview the candidate and team up with other people who are very knowledgeable i.e. complete family, guide, teachers, analyst and few other professionals.

Theses Education consultants will keep you updated of constant changes in the fields of education. In order to make a successful placement they have to spend some time with family and students to make them understand the process best fit appointment options. They also arrange and provide some testing and evaluation when required. They will coordinate with other professionals and required services and evaluation. School consultant helps parents and students in finding the best environment which can enrich students life. After providing all the information and evaluation they will follow up with students and schools and programs according to per parents request.

Good education consultants in India are available in every state and even in small cities. These consultants help families in relocating for finding best schools for their children. Similarly now a day Education consultancy services in Mumbai are available easily on single click or a single phone call. These consultants will help you to get all the information available related to education in Mumbai and abroad. Good Education consultants in India provide you the valuable information about various premium institutes. This information is concisely filtered before presenting the same in front of the parents or students.

Overseas education consultants help the parents to choose the best university available in foreign countries and where they can send their children for higher level education. Overseas education consultants will guide you in selecting the top university in abroad for your children their certification process, bank loan if required, security and to find suitable accommodation for your children when they first time arrive in any overseas country. They provide the quality guidance to all the students who are intend to learn abroad. These overseas education consultants have a team worldwide which travels extensively almost in all the countries. The team monitors and keeps a track over more than 3000 public schools, day & night schools, boarding schools, expertise programs, and colleges. Education consultancy services in Mumbai provide prompt services. You just give your detail address, telephone number and email and they will give you tailor made education consultant for your specific requirements.